Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The plan

The 6 elite member where all sitting in the living room of the mansion, waiting for Namjoon to explain what was happening. "Everybody here?" Namjoon asked while looking around. "Good" he continued when he saw everyone. "Why are we here?" Suga asked annoyed, Jimin had woken him up from his nap for this stupid meeting and he didn't even know why. "Shut up." Namjoon said, glaring at Suga. Suga glared back but kept his mouth shut, RM deserved respect in his eyes. "You are here because we have a mission for the 6 of us." Everyone looked at eachother. Taehyung and Jimin were both looking very excited, Jin and Hoseok looked neutral and maybe a little bit scared. Suga looked bored, groups missions weren't his favourite, he wouldn't be allowed to torture anyone. "What kind of mission is it?" Taehyung asked excited. "We are not entirly sure yet, if everything goes well, it's just going to be me and a rich guy talking until they give me what I want." Namjoon said. "You probably don't even know about this but a few weeks ago I accepted a security job for the CEO of Jeon-Tech. The prize the CEO agreed on was 2,5 million but Jin-hyung discovered that they only paid 1 million." "I don't understand, why not just send Jimin and me to get the money?" Taehyung asked. "That was my plan at first but then Hoseok found out that the CEO consists out of 2 brothers who've both served in the army. And that's not even all, the 2 brothers live in the same house, together with their families. It's too many people for just you and Jimin to handle." Taehung nodded in understanding, even though he and Jimin could probably take it, it was too high of a risk. "Then why don't just send Suga-hyung?" Jimin asked, since that would be the logical thing to do. "He's unstable." Namjoon answered. "I'm not but I will be if you keep talking about me like I'm not in the room!" Suga exclaimed angrily. Jimin decided to not ask any further about it, he already had an 's' on his shoulder, he didn't need another one. "So, we are going with the 6 of us, and the plan is very simple and straight forward. For starters, we are not going to fight, we are going to talk." Namjoon now looked at Hoseok and Jin. "Meaning that both Hoseok and Jin will join us on the field." "Those 2 are coming with us and no fighting?! I'm sitting this one out." Suga said annoyed. "You are coming, no discussion." Namjoon said stern. Suga just sighed in response but everyone knew he was tagging along. "So, like I was saying, the plan is very straight forward. We are driving to the mansion, going in to the front door and walk out the door with our money, questions?" "Yes, why do me and Hoseok-ah need to go into the mansion as well?" "I don't want it to look like we're going to steel the money, and more people is more intimidating. You'll both get a gun, don't worry." "Fine, fine" Jin said, he did see the logic in the plan, but he didn't like it at all. "Good, any other questions?" Namjoon asked but everyone shook their head. "Good, It's 1:20pm right now, I want to be at the mansion at 3pm. How long till we have to be in the car?" Namjoon asked Hoseok. "It's a 20 minute drive so 1 hour and 20 minutes. Everyone be in the car at 2:40pm." "Good, no everyone do what you need to do to be ready by then." Namjoon said, effectively ending the meeting. 

Of course everyone was ready at exactly 2:40pm, nobody dared to test RM's patience. They had also switched over to their code names already so they wouldn't make the mistake by accidentally naming anyone by their real name. Jin drove away as soon as everyone was in the car. "RM, what do you mean with Suga is unstable?" Jimin whispered to the leader when he saw that Suga was sleeping. "Just take a look at the date and you'll know what I mean." Jimin looked at his very expenisive watch and immediatly understood what RM meant, it was almost September 15. Nobody knew why but they had found out a while ago that Suga would go unstable around the 15th of September. "RM, what do you want me to do when we're there?" J-Hope asked nervously. "Just stand behind me and do nothing, if there is anything I want you to do I'll ask you to do it when we're there." "O-okay" "V, what kind of drugs and other stuff did you take with you?" Jimin asked, wanting to have a casual conversation. "Nothing dangerous, just some that if you get a little bit too much the hallicunations will be nightmare-like." "Did you take something calming with you?" "Yeah, why?" "Look at the date, just make sure it use ready for if Suga does anything."

5 minutes before they arrived Suga woke up and started playing with his lighter, as usual. RM saw that everyone was awake and decided to recap the plan one last time. "So, when we arrive, we ring the doorbell, walk in and talk to Mr. and Mr. Jeon. If anything doesn't go how I want it to go I'll give different people different tasks, so always be ready to do anything, okay?" Everyone muttered an okay while they were getting ready. V was making 2 darts with a calming middle for Suga if they needed them and he got some halicunating drugs ready as well. Jimin was working on his make up and made sure his gun wasn't in sight but was use ready. J-hope and Jin both made sure their guns were ready and they tried to calm their nerves. They can't look nervous when they have to look scary. J-hope also had a printed map of the mansion so they always had an escape plan or so they could go find what they needed themselves. Suga was the only one who didn't get ready, because he already was. 5 minutes later they arrived at the mansion and everyone got out of the car. RM walked towards the front door and politly rang the bell. A little boy opened the door, he couldn't be older then 12. "Hello little fellow, we are here for your daddy and uncle, can you go get them for me please?" 


A/n: Sorry for the shorter chapter but this way it fits the story more :P also, kinda cliff hanger? ^^ 

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