Café Date

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"Oh hey Ivan! I was waiting for you!" (y/n) said enthusiastically.

"Sorry for coming late." Ivan responded. "ты выглядишь так красиво сегодня." He told me in his native language. (You look so beautiful today)

My face starts to glow a radiant red. "Спасибо" I say quietly. Ivan smiles at me.

Why does my heart start to race every time he smiles at me?

Ivan opens up one of the menus on the table, flipping through every single page.

Desserts, Coffee, Tea, Alcoholic Beverages.

I notice he spends a few extra seconds on the Alcoholic Beverages page. I take my own copy of the menu and open it.

A waiter comes toward us with a notepad and a small index card. "Welcome Mr. and Mrs..." He looks at his index card. "... Braginski. What would you like to drink?" This man is tall with black hair, and has 5 'o'clock shade on his chin (also known as stubble). He is dressed very professionally. Ivan must have spent a lot of money to arrange this.

I look at Ivan.

"I don't think we're ready to order yet." He answers.

"Very well then. I will be back in a few," the waiter responds. He walks away toward the counter where we see another waiter standing. This man has fairly long blonde hair, and a moustache. The blonde man asks something to the black-haired waiter, and the waiter nods.

"I'm thinking of getting the vodka-infused espresso." Ivan states. (Vodka is one of the strongest alcohols, and espresso is the most caffeinated coffee. That is some VERY strong stuff)

"Woah, that is some strong stuff! I'll just get a vanilla affogato." (Coffee over vanilla icecream)

"How are you enjoying your first day out of isolation?"

"It's interesting. I woke up late, went to my first world meeting, made new friends and a new (friend), and now we're suddenly stuck here in this hotel for the night"

Breaking News: Although It seems the weather has cooled down a bit, see what I did there, Karen? The radars have detected an approaching super-blizzard. We strongly suggest you refrain from going outside for the next 3 days, or until further notice. Let's see what comes after the break. (C/n) has finally come out of isolation and has decided to find allies with the other countries.

"I'm on the news!"

"You're not on the news. According to the commonfolk, countries are just huge masses of land, not real people. According to the others in the hotel, we are just representatives from our countries."

"Oh . . ." I sigh. It would be really exciting to be on television. Even countries have dreams.

"I guess we're staying here for the next 3 or something days" Ivan states.

I sigh. "I guess so. I'm worried about my cat Dima. What if she starves!?"

"I'm sure she won't starve. She's a smart cat, да? She'll find mouse to eat for sure." Ivan comforts me.

The waiter comes back. "May I take your order?"


. . .

"That was a really good pecan pie we shared. I liked your vodka-infused espresso. I don't think I'm going to sleep for a week after that one sip!" I joked. "How'd you like my vanilla affogato?"

"It tasted really nice. The ice cream nicely substitutes for milk and sugar. It also adds some flavor."

I smile at him, he smiles back.

"Listen, sunflower, I have something to tell you. I know we only met today, but-" Ivan begins.

"I know what you are about to say, Ivan. I-I like you too." I say with a smile and a pink face.

His face turns rosy pink as well. "Really!?" He grabs my hand with his big and cold hands. Really!?"

"Yes" I nod.

I move my face toward his and give him a small peck on his cheek. His face turns the red-est shade of red.

I hold his hand. "I had a lot of fun tonight. We should do this more often."

"Да, we should."

There is a small pause.

"Thank you for inviting me." I suddenly say.

Ivan makes a confused face. "How is that possible. You invited me, да?" Ivan questions.

I pull out the pink envelope I found in the door. "You mean you didn't send me this?"

He takes out his own pink envelope from his coat. "I found this in the door after you left." He states.

He looks around. "Francis! Where are you?"

We suddenly hear the blonde waiter. "Merde!" He grabs a small camera off the countertop and starts to run. Feliks jumps out of a rose bush holding another camera and runs after him.

"We have the proof!" Francis yells while running. "WE HAVE THE PROOF!"

Ivan gets out of his seat and let's go of my hand. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a long metal pipe.

"Get over here! I'll make you pay! You'll regret doing this!" He screams as he runs after France and Poland.


. . .

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