The Longest Time Ago ~ Crystal Gems x Reader ~ Finale (Pt 1)

Start from the beginning

Metal scrapped against the hard wooden panel, signalling that she had found her target, reach in and pulling out the golden key, pristine and perfect as if she received it that day.

(Y/n) didn't know who or what the second sun was about or who was 'gone' but she did know that some sort of answer, any answer, had to be in the drawer that rested under her mother's bed.

The furniture in the room hadn't been touched since she was gone. It was (Y/n)'s attempt at keeping the memories alive and preserving her mother's familiar feeling that hung around her.

(Y/n) got down onto her knees, palms pressed against the carpeted floor that smelled of dust and age before crawling underneath the bed frame. A single draw was implemented into the wood, a small hole the perfect size for the key she had resting in the middle. She could remember discovering the hole for herself, her mother later explaining what it was for when asked.

But then wasn't the time to relive old memories.

A single glance out the window revealed that the red second sun in the sky was slightly bigger than when she last checked on it which meant it was heading to Earth very quickly.

They were after her.

Any weird occurrence was meant to be a sign that something was after her, but what?

Why hadn't her mother ever warned her before? Why wasn't she told who was after her? Why were there things after her anyways?

Questions, so many questions and so little answers. Perhaps that's why she never got any, there was just too much to cover in so little time.

Time was a petty thing.

But time was also running out and answers could wait, perhaps whatever was in the draw would reveal some sort of information, (Y/n) wouldn't know until she dared to look.

The key slotting inside easily, twisting with a click and allowing the springs inside the mechanism to push the drawer out slowly, revealing nothing but a black leather book. It was old, the yellow pages being the obvious giveaway and it obviously was handed down from her grandparents.

(Y/n) flipped through the book, reading quickly all that she could.


The Crystal Gems and I have just sent Homeworld away...Connie thinks they could be back in the future, probably 100 years or something since space travel and time are weird... But Homeworld are here for me, I know they are, they think I'm mom...I'm not Rose Quartz and I'm no full Gem, I'm Steven... Steven Universe!

(Y/n) frowned, she knew Steven was a person her mother mentioned before – her grandfather. Yes, that was right, Steven was her grandfather on her mother's side, a strange name they shared; 'Universe'. (Y/n) only had '(L/n)' from her father, though she wouldn't have minded 'Universe' either.


Connie and I have managed to ward off the Homeworld gems again but they've promised to come back when I've 'grown weaker'...The gems theorise it won't be me they will come after but someone like me...because they will believe they are me.

It made sense, she was a descendant of her grandfather and the only logical explanation was that this 'Homeworld Gems' were there for her. But who were they? The rest of the book didn't say anymore on 'Homeworld gems' and instead spoke about these 'Crystal Gems'.

Then the handwriting changed, flowy and curly- it was her mother's.


Daddy and mommy tell me stories about their friends. I wanna be a writer when I'm older and write about their adventures with the people they call 'Crystal Gems' whoever they are. Apparently I met them when I was a baby but I don't remember them and they disappeared.


My writing is okay, dad says that I'm getting better and mom says that I'll be a great author, (father name F/n) likes my stories, he says they are '-cool pieces of fiction-' – at least that's what he THINKS. I believe the stories my parents tell me, they say it's true so I believe it. The other day they told me a story and I turned it into this short anecdote, I think it's my favourite piece – but the stories they tell me are scary, I don't think that people should know, especially (F/n), the more he knows the greater the danger.


I think that all this stuff my dad and mom do is kinda crazy and not telling anyone does as much damage as telling someone so I think all the answers to questions should be left here. I have questions to answers myself and I know that I won't be able to get them all too, hopefully someone will be able to, mom and dad don't tell me much about the 'Crystal Gems' anymore and are far too busy on 'Private Investigations'

There wasn't any more entrees within the book, only a couple poems about grass and twigs and the occasional doodles. (Y/n) flipped the book to the back, skimming the final page a lead. There wasn't much, apart from a doodle of 6 different locations and a small description of a sort undernearth.

'There once were four protectors of Earth and each of the four protectors had one job; to stop the death of humanity at all costs.

Two guardians accompanied them but their job was different; they were tasked by the youngest protector to keep the harmony among everyone at balance.

And the melody of the brightest second sun came up but they were gone.'

Her eyes widened, this was the story, her favourite story and this page was going to lead her to her answers. (Y/n) didn't know for certain that that was a fact but the gut feeling she had experienced convinced her otherwise.

She re-read the small story, trying to get a grasp of what she had to do, flipping between words and the six small doodles, each piece a part of a much bigger puzzle.

The first picture was a drawing of a barn, a place she was very much familiar with. Although she had never been there herself, her mother had explained that there was an old family barn her father always wanted to show her, he just never had the time and then he passed and her mother passed and left (Y/n)'s mother alone with her.

If there was anything important about any sort of barn, it would be that one.

The next drawing were a couple of wavy lines with a little boat on the top. The sea. (Y/n) knew that it would be harder to get to the sea if she tackled that location first, the sea was a bigger place underneath the waves after all.

The next four were crammed into a square, one corner devoted to each doodle, each more confusing than the last. The top right hand corner resembled a mountain, triangular with a few lines to indicate the top. That was the easiest to understand but unfortunately the hardest to determine. Mountains filled the globe up and never had she read or heard of a mountain with significance to her family.

The next doodle, directly below the first was a tear drop and a plant sort of thing sprouting with rounded leaves. (Y/n) looked at the image before concentrating at the last two. One of them was what (Y/n) assumed was a volcano, lava spewing from the top while the final drawing was simply the letter "M".

She pocketed the book before standing up and peering out the window. She didn't know what she was going to find or if she was going to find anything at all but she knew that the second sun was bad. And grandparent's friends or none, she was going to be the one to make sure that the second sun didn't get any closer.

Even if all she had to help guide her was a story she was told as a child.

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