12. Personal

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Games. That's all you do, is play games. I want it even though I know I can't have it. Your reputation is one of the reasons I like you. Everyone's telling me not to go near you but that makes me want you more.

I knew you were gonna hurt me and I didn't care but I didn't think it would hurt this much. I should've listened but I was young and dumb. My first love. You live and you learn.

You mess with my head. You'll flirt with me and turn around and flirt with my friend. Don't take it personal is what you said.

Everybody but me knew about it. My friends kept telling me you're not committed and blowing up my phone but I ignored it. Something in me said no.

Like a siren, you drew me in with your beauty but ended up being dangerous. Only there to break me and drive me crazy. Can't believe it was just a game to you.

The only thing I can think of now is.... don't take it personal

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