"Well since we have had this lovely talk, you aren't gonna send me to detention, right?" I pleaded innocently.

"What do you think?" He replied dryly, staring blankly at me as if we have had this exact same conversation about 100 times before.

"But I didn't even get a tardy—"
I'm cut off by the final bell ringing loud and clear in my ear.

"Off to detention you go." He smiles and shoo's me off.

"But-- You were the one talking to me! You made me late, and plus, shouldn't I go to class instead? I mean, isn't that your schools damn goal? To have students get a good education?" I plead my case.

At this point, I'd rather go to class than back to detention.

"I'm gonna ignore the inappropriate use of language and let you go to detention freely." The corner of his lip lifts into a sly smirk, "Unless you would like me to have a lovely chat with your mother about your recent behavior?" He wickedly smiles, tempting me.

"N- No, Sir!" I rush. "You know, now that you mention it, detention doesn't sound all that bad right now. I'm gonna go there now." I weakly reply.

"Good." He smiles victoriously one last time, turns on his heel, and leaves as I lazily fumble my way to detention.
— — —

"What did you do this time, Jiha?" Mr. Kim Seokjin, our schools senior class councilor, questions just as I enter the office.

His eyes never leaving his computer, but already aware of my presence.

"What else? I was trying to skip class but Mr you-know-who caught me before I could do so." I pout like a child and stomp my way to the chair infront of his desk that practically has my name on it from all my visits.

"You are in your last year here, plus this is only your first week of school, why do you still continue this kind of behavior?" He continues to type on his computer.

"I didn't do anything wrong." I roll my eyes.

"Oh really?" He challenges, pausing his typing to turn and face me.

"What about Monday?" he smirks. "When you spray painted the wall into a petition to start school later in the day so you could sleep in?"

I stay silent, smiling sheepishly.

"Or what about Tuesday? When you tore off Ms. Ho's wig?," He laughs.

"That was an accident!," I defend.

"Well then what about Wednesday? When you asked an inappropriate question in class?"

*Flashback to Wednesday*

"I dare you to ask Mr. Lee how babies are made." Mina whispered over to me, smirking.

"Too easy." I raised my hand in the air.

Mr. Lee stopped writing on the board, turning to me, "Yes, Jiha?"

"I have a very important question that I've been curious about for awhile now, sir."

"What is your question?"

"Well.. I heard some noises coming from my parents room last night and my dad said something about a baby," I shrugged innocently.

I watched as Mr. Lee shifted uncomfortably on his heels.

"So I was wondering.. Where do babies come from?" I asked.

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