Something else made it seem more like hell.

   Something no one else could see it.

   No one but her. Not even Mutt.

   She could see them, feasting away at her home.

   The sapphire flames.


   He's been gone for a while now, Kaena thought with worry.
   Twenty minutes had passed since Griffin left with Cya and Val to see what was wrong. She was beginning to worry.

   The wind started to pick up around her, causing her hair to flow in her face, and blowing out the candles on the table. It was now dark and the wood creaked eerily around her. Feeling uneasy, she stood up ready to find Griffin but suddenly found herself confused about where she should go.
   She looked around to see nothing but the ebony trees. Until her eyes hit a path of light, just through some of them.

   Something then flew across her face. She swatted at it and backed away. It was gone in a split second but back again... shining beautifully against the light.

   The butterfly of white.

   Her eyes widened at the sight. It flew gracefully around her from head to toe, its magic pouring from behind it. She looked down at her dress and hands to see that she was covered in the shining dust. It then took off into the glowing trees slowly.

   She sighed to herself. "Last time I followed you... I got fucked up."

   Though it was true, she still found herself gathering the courage to do it again. Lifting her dress to clear her way, she did.

   Kaena felt strange and dizzy going through the blinding light but she brushed off the feeling and proceeded ahead, not noticing everything behind her had vanished, including the tiara on her head. 

   She looked around to see the same dark woods surrounding her, the butterfly went from view. At least she thought so until she looked down at her balled hands, she opened them to see the poor little insect settled in her hands, Its once pretty white turning to a sickening black rot.

 At least she thought so until she looked down at her balled hands, she opened them to see the poor little insect settled in her hands, Its once pretty white turning to a sickening black rot

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   Tears helplessly stung her eyes as she watched something take over and turn it into nothing but black dust. The tears escaped as the whistling wind blew it away. What the hell is happening?

   She heard whimpering and yelping in the distance in front of her. The closer she got the louder the noise until she came to a ruffling bush. She trembled a little in fear and started to back away.  But then saw a little ball of brown fur and then the most adorable glassy black eyes she'd ever seen.

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