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Claire's POV

Harry and I were in the car on the way to the party and I was kind of excited. This might make me sound like a loser but whatever, this will be the first high school party I will be attending. And probably the last. I'm nervous and the fact that Harry asked me to be his date is making me even more nervous. Everyone is going to wonder why we're there together. They all know I was with Chase most of my high school years and it's probably shocking to see me with another guy. But I don't care. Because Chase is an asshole and I deserve better. At least, that's what I tell myself.

I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't even know we arrived at the party. Harry came around and opened my door for me. It's nice to be accompanied by such a gentleman. I really love spending time with him.

As soon as we walk through the door, we're immediately handed red solo cups full of what I'm assuming is alcohol. There are a ton of people here and I already feel out of place. I do see a lot of familiar faces though. Especially Chase's, I didn't know he would be here. Ugh. Just my luck.

Harry takes my hand and we walk to a group of four boys sitting on the couch, and I notice it's the same boys he was with at the mall and IHOP, probably his best friends.

"Hey Harry, you finally showed up mate. Oh, who's your friend?" He starts wiggling his eye brows at Harry.

"Oh Lou, stop it. Guys, this is Claire. Claire, that's Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. My best mates."

They all smile at me but only one of them decide to speak.

I think it was Zayn? pretty sure.

"If you need anything, and can't find seem to find Harry, come to me and I'll help you. Because trust me, he seems to run off during things like this." They all start laughing but I don't understand what is funny. Probably some inside joke.

I just smile and excuse myself to get another drink.

As I'm standing in the kitchen, I seen Alyssa-Jane sitting on the counter, talking to some guy and she looks trashed. She didn't even tell me she was going to a party tonight? Why is she even here? I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

"Hey Lyssa, what are you doing here?"

"Just having some funnnnnn, what does it look like Clairey." Woah, you can practically smell the alcohol on her breath like a thousand miles away.

Just when I was about to get her a glass of water the music cuts off and the whole house seems to go quiet. All of a sudden, there was a voice at the top of the stairs and it was none other than, Zoey.

"Excuse me everyone, can I have your attention please."

Everybody started moving in to the living room to see what was going on. Zoey continued.

"We seem to have a newbie here. And she will not go unnoticed. Everyone will you please direct your attention to Claire Davis."

All eyes were on me, and I didn't know what the fuck was going on but my heart started pounding and I felt like throwing up. I hate being the center of attention.

"I have some things to tell you all about our precious princess Claire. I'm sure you'll all enjoy it. Well first off, Clairey here isn't technically a woman. She's never had her period. She sleeps in footie pajamas when she can't sleep, but most importantly, she's a virgin. Our perfect princess hasn't given it up yet. The real question is, why did you stay with her Chase? We all know you didn't love her, because you were hooking up with me most of your relationship so maybe it was just for your popularity. But none of that matters now, because Claire has already moved on. To whom you may ask? Our badass, Harry Styles. I mean, they did come to the party together, right? If you're all wondering if this information is true, just ask my source of knowledge. Which is, Claire's best friend, Alyssa-Jane who happens to be very bored with her and Claire's friendship. So there you have it folks, our perfect Claire isn't so perfect after all." She is just standing there smirking at me while my heart just fell out of my butt. Why would Zoey do this to me? No, why the hell would Alyssa tell her those things? I'm so fucking angry right now I just want to scream. Everyone is just staring at me like I'm some freak. Where is Harry? He is supposed to be here for me. I can't take it anymore. I turn to run away by Alyssa runs up to me.

"Clairey please listen to me, I didn't mean to tell her those things I promise."

"Get out of my way Alyssa. I don't want to hear it."

I nudge her aside then head for the door trying to hide my tears but someone grabs me and pulls me into their chest while walking me outside. Whoever it is sits me on a bench and strokes my hair while I cry into their chest. I don't even care who it is, I'm just glad someone is taking care of me right now. I look up, tears still in my eyes and see the most beautiful brown ones staring back at me. I finally realize who it is.

"Zayn?" I hiccup.

"Ssshhhh, you don't have to talk right now just let it out, we can talk in a second." He pulls me back into his chest and I cry even harder remembering what just happened. Basically the whole school knows my personal stuff. All because my "best friend" can't keep her damn mouth shut. Zayn was slowly rocking us back and forth, just comforting me while I cry. After calming down I look up to a tall figure staring at us with the most angry expression on his face.

Harry's POV

After Claire went to the kitchen to get another drink, Louis and I told the boys we were heading up stairs to play pool in the game room because Lou loves betting money and I love winning so. After two games of pool and $100 from Louis we decide to head back down stairs to join the party and I miss Claire. When we get back, everyone seems to be talking about something that happened when we were upstairs. I also can't seem to find Claire. I ask Niall if he's seen her.

"Hey Nialler, have you seen Claire around?" he looks at me with a worried look on his face.

"Well uh, Zoey embarrassed her in front of everyone telling us all how she's never had her period, she sleeps in footie pajamas, she's still a virgin, that she has a crush on you and apparently Alyssa, her best friend or whatever was the one who told her all that stuff. Everybody just kept staring at Claire so she just ran out of the room and I'm pretty sure she ran outside."

What the fuck? Why the hell would Zoey do that to her? Alyssa would never tell Zoey that stuff. Once I make sure Claire is okay, I'm going to have a little talk with Zoey.

I ran as fast as I can through the crowd of people dancing and finally reach the door. I just want to make sure Claire is alright.

Once I'm outside I start searching around to find her and suddenly I see her sitting on a bench. But she's not alone. Some guy has her pressed to his chest stroking her hair while rocking back and forth while she cries to him. It's not just any guy either. It's Zayn.

I stand there looking at them and I know I look fucking angry because Claire looks up at me with a surprised face but I can't help it. I can't control the anger that's boiling inside of me. I practically yell at them. "What the fuck is this?"

Oh my, I have been so busy. I'm so so sorry for not updating but I promise I will start being as fast as I used to be. Hope you enjoyyyyy.

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