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Claire's POV

Harry walked me home after we were finished eating our yogurt. The walk was short, and awkward. I knew nothing about Harry. He could be a rapist for all I know. Lol well probably not, but it could happen.

"Earth to Claire..."

Wow, I didn't even notice he was talking to me.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about things"


I decided to strike up a conversation. "So Harry, tell me some about you."

He smiles before answering my question. "Well, I'm 18 years old. I have four best mates and that would be Louis, which is who I share an apartment with, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. My mom's name is Anne, and I only have one sibling, which is Gemma. My parents are divorced, my dad left when I was seven. My favorite color is blue. I love singing and I'm currently walking with the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on."

I blush because c'mon who wouldn't?

"How about you tell me some about yourself, love"

I take a deep breath before spilling out numerous things about me.

"Welllllll, I'm 18 as well. I'm an only child. my parents are busy workers because they have extreme jobs so they're rarely ever home. My favorite color is orange, Alyssa-Jane has been my best friend since I was 14, and Chase and I have been together for almost three years now.."

Harry's face changes expression at the mention of Chase. Weird.

We finally arrive at my house. I don't know whether to hug Harry or not because I mean I just met him so?

"You can come in if you'd like, I mean my parents aren't home so I could like make some tea or something, or we could watch a movie or yeah whatever, you can go if you want, sorry you probably have better things to-"

"Claire, Claire, I'd love to come inside."

Shew, that was embarrassing.

I made some tea then joined Harry in the living room. He picked out Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. One of my favorites.

He had my phone in his hands looking at something.

"What are you doing?"

He looks confused.

"You have a snapchat from "Lyssa(:" Can I open it?"

"Sure, that's Alyssa-Jane, my best friend."

"That's the girl that was at the mall with you that one time." "Yup."

He clicks on the picture and it's of Alyssa and her cat laying down. Alyssa's duck face is priceless. I laugh at her caption, "cooler than you"

Harry goes to the camera and faces it towards us. Is he going to take a picture with me?

"Let's do a duck face too, but it has to be better than hers." he says. We both do duck faces and I gotta say they look better than Alyssa's. He captions it "we'll always be the coolest" then sends it. She will definitely call me freaking out later, asking so many questions. He saves the picture then hands me back my phone.

We settled down on the couch, not too close to each other but not too far away.

About half way through the movie, there was a knock at the door.

Ugh. Who in the world could it be. I only have like three friends and one of them is sitting next to me. I guess we're friends? I hope so.

I get up to answer the door.

"Hey babe." Chase? what's he doing here?

"Chase, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my girlfriend, duh?"

This is too much, if Chase sees Harry here he will literally flip shit.

"Claire, who was at the door?"

Oh no..

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Chase literally growls.

"He took me to get frozen yogurt because I was upset and now we're just watching a movie. No big deal."

"It is a fucking big deal. I specifically said no contact with him anymore. What did you not understand?"

That is when Harry buts in.

"Pretty sure she is a big girl, and she can make decisions for herself. She already has one daddy. She doesn't need another one."

I let out a little laugh.

"You think that was fucking funny?"

"No, I-"

"Who are you? I have always been so good to you Claire! All my friends said you were a stuck up little rich girl but I didn't listen because I love you!"

That was when I lost it.

"Who am I? who are you? You think you treat me so damn good but look at how you've been acting lately! You barely pay attention to me anymore. You're always with your friends Chase! Oh and I know you're hooking up with Zoey! I overheard your conversation at school today! So don't lecture me about hanging out with him when you're the one who is cheating!"

I'm already crying right now, might as well let it all out.

"Cheating on you? Are you dumb? Zoey wants me to get her a fake I.D. from Jake and I told her no that I wasn't doing that anymore. she told me that if I wanted her to keep quiet about selling them with Jake and not tell you that I had to get her one! So I agreed."

Woah. Is he telling the truth? Just when I was about to apologize, Chase's phone starts ringing. I look down at his phone in his hand and notice who is calling him. Speaking of the skank.


But that's not what shocks me. It's her caller I.D. picture. Its her smiling in her bra. Chase notices where my eyes are looking and he starts talking.

"Claire, let me explain. Please."

"Chase. I think it's time for you to go."

"No I'm not leaving until you let me explain."


"Mate, I'm pretty sure she asked you to leave. Either do it yourself or I will."

"Fuck you!" Chase spits before walking out the door.

Tonight has been one crazy night. And I have a feeling the craziness in my life is just starting.

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