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Claire's POV

All day I was thinking about Harry's surprise. I mean I know we're just friends, but maybe something will happen. Last period of the day, and I don't think it could take any longer. There is about 5 minutes of school left and it's the longest 5 minutes of my life.

I use the time left in class to think. Think about how my life has changed so much already this year. My senior year and everything is different. I never thought Chase and I would break up. I always dreamed we would get married. I know I'm still young, but we were together for nearly all of my high school years. I just thought we'd end up happy. But that skank had to ruin everything. Zoey and I used to be best friends in 8th grade. We've known each other almost all our lives, but ever since Chase and I got together my freshman year she has despised me. I don't know what happened or why we quit being friends but I'm glad we did because then I would have never met Alyssa-Jane. She is by far the best friend anyone could ever have.

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't even know the bell had rung and almost everyone was already out of class. I grabbed my bag, got my car keys out and headed home. I didn't know what time Harry was coming over but I'm sure I have enough time to shower and look presentable before he comes.

I got home about 15 minutes ago, took a shower, put on some clothes and started watching Love Actually to pass time. It's 6 and now I'm just waiting for Harry to come.

By 7 o'clock I'm pretty positive Harry isn't coming because I haven't heard from him so I'm just going to go to bed. I actually thought he would show up. Ha, guess I'm dumb for even thinking I had a chance with him.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Opening it up, there's a smirking Harry standing there. I don't know why, but as soon as I saw his face my heart started beating super fast and I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face.

"It's rude to stare, love." He chuckled.

"Oh I'm uh I'm sorry I just, you had a stray hair and it was distracting me." I fumble for an excuse.

"Oh, I'm sure that was the reason you were distracted." He winks at me.

I clear my throat, hoping to get rid of the awkwardness. "So, what is in the bags?"

He smiles before getting the things out of the bags.

"I stopped by Narita Express and I didn't know what you liked so I got a little bit of everything. I hope you even like Japanese food." He looks nervous. If only he knew that Narita is my favorite!

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much. I love Narita so so much!" I jump up and hug him. He looks surprised but hugs me back.

"And now, I have a question for you."he turns around and messes in the bag looking for something. He pulls out a red rose and hands it to me. "Claire, I know you just broke up with Chase, and I don't want to move too fast, but I enjoy your company and I want to spend more time together. So, would you like to accompany me to a party tonight? As my date?"

I'm astounded by his question. I mean, what could go wrong? It's just a high school party, nothing bad could happen right? WRONG! If only I knew what I was in for..I would have said no. But I'm young and dumb so of course I said yes.

"Sure Harry. I'd love to come with you."

We eat our Narita and by 8 we're out the door heading to the party. I should have just stayed home...

Zoey's POV

This party is going to be the best one yet. I'm so ready to put my plan in to action. Alyssa walks in and it's time to get started.

"Hey boo, glad you could make it, let's go get a drink." I say, hoping this will work.

"Wow, I didn't know so many people would be here" she says while taking the drink out of my hand. We make small talk and a couple of guys come to talk to us, so she doesn't notice when I keep filling up her cup with more beer. After four cups of beer, she still doesn't seem even a little tipsy. I had a feeling this would happen, so I brought back up just in case. When she's talking to a basketball player, Austin, which isn't even that cute, I slip a crushed up hydro in her drink so hopefully she'll answer my questions. Once she finishes her cup, I know for a fact she's drunk and possibly already high now. Time for the fun to start. I take her to the dance floor, and we start dancing with people around us.

"So Alyssa, how long have you and Claire been friends?"

"Since freshman year but she's getting kind of boring now"

Oh yes she's spilling secrets now.

"And how long did her and Chase date?"

"They dated for about three years. I don't see why, she never had sex with him and that's probably all he wanted with her." She slurs.

So little miss perfect is a virgin? What the hell was Chase doing with her?

"Anything else about Claire that I don't know about?"

"Well, she still sleeps in footie pajamas sometimes when she can't sleep. Oh and she hasn't had her period yet." She says probably not aware that she's telling her best friends deepest secrets. "Oh anddddd I'm pretty sure she has a crush on Harry."

Oh hell no. I'm definitely going to ruin Claire. She thinks she can just have everyone.

"Well enough talking about Claire! Let's go play beer pong!" She smiles before nodding excitedly. I can't wait till Claire gets here. Because I know Harry will bring her. It's about to get dramatic in here.

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