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Claire's POV

I didn't know what to do. I was so confused and scared because Harry's face looked like he was ready to kill. Why is he so mad? Does he not know what just happened to me? The biggest bitch of the entire school just outted me in front of everyone.

"Harry what is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're the one out here slutting it up with Zayn! I've been looking for you for over an hour Claire. And I find you out here with him!"

What the fuck is his problem?

Finally, Zayn steps in. "Hey man, I was just comforting her. Zoey basically told everyone her deepest secrets with the help of her best friend and where were you? Fucking around probably."

Oh no. Why did Zayn say that? Harry's face is pure anger.

He pushes Zayn against the stone wall and gets close to his face and whispers "I was not fucking around, you knew exactly who I was with and exactly what I was doing. Louis and I always have bonding time at parties and you know that. Stop trying to make it look like I was fucking around with some girl. Claire doesn't need your "comfort" so get the fuck out of here." And then he threw him.

I guess Zayn is scared of him because he just left..

"Harry what is your deal?" I ask.

" sorry Claire. It's just, I spent an hour looking for you and I come out here and find you all lovey dovey with Zayn? Youre supposed to be here with me and you're off with someone else?!"

"Harry, you need to calm down. I am not your girlfriend and you can not tell me what to do. We are friends and I can to this party with you as a friend. Besides, I think it's time I get home. It's been the worst night."

"At least let me drive you.."

I actually debate on letting him but he's been awful to me and to Zayn when we weren't doing anything wrong so I think he deserves the cold shoulder.

"Don't bother Harry. Maybe we shouldn't be friends after all..." and with that, I leave him there and start walking home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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