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"Yugyeom,I really wanted to go to the ball!" (y/n) said to her brother.

"I said no. I don't want you to do stupid things while staying there,surrounded by God knows who. You stay home." Yugyeom entered the living room,throwing himself on the couch.

Of course that Yugyeom knew that this wasn't the best decision for his sister,but there wasn't much to do,regarding the situation. Last night,when (y/n) was doing the dishes,Yugyeom saw some cuts on her wrists. Maybe if she wasn't so clumsy,she could have been on her way to the ball now.

"Urgh,I'm gonna let Bam know that I'm not coming tonight." She says,taking a seat next to her brother,on the couch.

After the message was sent,a long silence began. It was Saturday,Yugyeom just came back from a day out,and (y/n) was grounded,so she spent her day relaxing. She didn't want to go to the ball anyways,she doesn't know why she said to Bam that she will come with him. Her mind was a mess that day,she was thinking about everything,but especially Mark. She never saw someone smile like him,even if his eyes show nothing but sadness. Even if he said to her that 'he's dying' , (y/n) could say that he's a person that loves life. That boy loved life too much to leave this early.

(y/n) and Mark didn't spent much time in the park,just a little to find something about themselves. She found out that he is almost 3 years older than her,he was doing therapy for almost 1 year and a half,and last,he smoked a lot.

(y/n)'s phone suddenly rang,she tought that it would be a text from Bam,but it was actually a notification from social media.

"Yugyeom,why did you post on facebook that you are at the library when you are actually half asleep on the couch?" the girl asked,looking at her brother.

"Long story..I told Eunha that I can't go out with her because I'm studying for exams." the boy said,looking at his phone.

"In first place,you aren't even in university,and who the hell is Eunha?"

Yugyeom didn't go to university,because he wanted to grow his passion for dancing. So,he is an instructor at an art school near his house.

"She's a girl,with who I've been going out for a week..almost. But she's not my type,so I'm trying to say to her in a subtle way that I want to break up."

"Wait,weren't you with Yoona?" (y/n) asked curios.

"I was. We broke up."

"You're kidding,right? What the hell happened?"

Yugyeom was far from the type of boy that would change the girls every week. But,the last time he had a serious relationship,everything ended bad,really bad.  So,Yugyeom changed his mind about relationships in general.

"(y/n),relationships end at some time. This is how this works. I don't expect you to understand though,you didn't have a boyfriend for years." Yugyeom told his sister.

"It's not my fault I'm afraid of boys.." the girl responded at his brother's hard words.

"You gotta face your fears at some time in your life."

(y/n) got up from the couch,going to her room,where she planned to stay all night. She was happy she didn't go to the ball. Why did she say 'yes' in the first place? That place is full of people,and the last thing (y/n) wants is to stay around those people. She lays on the bed,thinking about Mark.

What problems does he have? he thinks. Will he think I'm crazy if I show him my cuts? Or if I say I'm going to the psychologist because of my non-ending depression?

Depression wasn't a small topic,but it wasn't what people want to talk about,especially in public,and especially with a boy you just met. Most of the people would think that you are crazy if you are depressed,and this thing makes the battle harder.

(y/n) didn't know,or she didn't want to admit that,that boy was on her mind since she spoke to him last. She felt like she could be herself around him,and that's what bothered her so much.


One week passed since Mark went last to the psychologist,and he didn't plan to go either. He didn't have much time to spend talking about useless stuff. He didn't understand why he had to go to the psychologist anyway,Jaebum said to him all the stuff everyday. 'Everything will be fine' , 'Stop worrying,hang in there' . He was tired to hear this everyday. His faith is already decided the day they told him about the battle with his ilness. In Jaebum's opinion,he was helping him get the news easier.

He started working lately,at his studio in the backyard. He was doing cravings,in wood. He didn't know what to crate,since he met the girl with eyes like glass,in which you could read the sadness and sorrow that girl faces everyday. Mark doesn't know her well enough to say something that important about her,but he knew that that look,those eyes were like a screaming for help,that nobody heard,or nobody wants to hear.

"Mark hyung,are you here?" a manly voice was heared.

Mark went out to see who was calling him,until his look met his friend,and they both smiled.

"Oh,Jackson. Hi."

Because Mark's passion was growing a lot,he decided to actually open a little shop,where his friends could take something that he craved.

"It's the second time you came this week,and it's only Thursday. What do I need to give you?" Mark smiled.

"Architecture life is hard,man. I need another two big pieces of wood." the brown-haired boy answered.

"Do you really work with them for uni or do you build a house with these?" Mark laughed.

"Really funny,hyung." Jackson laughed. "But exams are coming and I need to do projects with these. Trust me,I don't want this either."

Jackson is one of Mark's friends that understood him the most,they were actually really close. Jackson is actually from China,but he came to Seoul to study architecture,a passion of his.

"There you go. If you need more,just let me know." Mark gave Jackson the pieces of wood.

"Ah,I almost forgot. I got you something." Jackson got something from his pocket. "There you go. Your favourites."

Mark noticed a pack of cigarettes,indeed his favourites.

"Oh,thanks Jackson!"

Sometimes,Mark is glad that he didn't tell Jackson about his ilness,he was the only one with who he could smoke freely. After Jackson left,Mark got a cigarette and started working at something,with his mind still at the girl he met not so long ago.


Hiii im back!! Im finally writing again,it feels so long actually.
Anyways,thanks for reading the shit i write it means a lot
Andddd go check iKON's comeback,it's really good.

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