XXI: Flight of the Black Probe

Start from the beginning

Cynthia started having dreams again while she was sleeping last night. I can only assume that Oliva did too; she was pretty restless through most of the night. I have to say, I hope it's all a coincidence; I really don't want another night running from one of those things, and I know Cynthia feels the same way. I don't see how much there is for us to do, though, other than to hope. Adrian's getting pretty close to understanding how that black probe works. Let's just hope he gets it in time.

Novan Intelligence Dispatch: 07/04/2175 1515 NST

Grushan Coordination Unit-Novan Intelligence Command: Grushan intelligence confirms increase in Terran combat readiness. Sources indicate that troop ships are being loaded on Asian continent and European continent on Earth. Grushan Intelligence estimates full combat readiness within four days. End Dispatch.

Official Transcript: Phone Call: From Elton Weidner: To Alistair Calvin: 08/04/2175 1200 Local Time

CALVIN: Hey chief. I know what you're gonna ask, but I can't give you an answer yet. We're still having limited luck out here. By aerial surveillance drones, we should have had them last night, but they had to have snuck past us somehow. There's someone else out here, we've caught sight of him at least once, but no positive ID's, and no Interlink signatures. We're still working on it. We think he's the one responsible for the vehicle sabotage we've been experiencing, but we...

WEIDNER: Forget it. Go home tonight. Pack everything up and leave. We're done with this search.

CALVIN: Sir? Didn't you hear me? We were within a mile of them. They can't have gotten far. If they'd even left the woods, aerial and satellite surveillance would have bullseyed them immediately.

WEIDNER: Did I ask if we could do it? I'm ordering you off. Pack up and come home, Officer.

CALVIN: And let known terrorists go free? Who knows what they'll attempt next! We got lucky stopping them the first time, we may not get lucky the second time.

WEIDNER: I didn't say we'd do that either, did I?

CALVIN: What are you saying, sir?

WEIDNER: I'm saying that I have a very special guest at the station here who is offering vital intelligence as to the location of these fugitives, and as such your resources are needed elsewhere.

CALVIN: But we should be apprehending the terrorists!

WEIDNER: Just follow orders, Al.

CALVIN: You're going to have to give me more than that, I'm afraid.

WEIDNER: His name is Kazek.


CALVIN: The Zaha-Katchem who...



CALVIN: I'll...see what I can do.

WEIDNER: See that you do it soon. We wouldn't want to be...inconvenienced by what may happen here.

CALVIN: Yes sir.

[End Transcript]

08/04/2175 1718 NST: Transmission Sent Novan Stellar Navy High Command: O Nova: 08/04/2175 1518 NST: Transmission Received NSN Enterprise AH01-001

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