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I was a member of the Lucii. It was pronounced Lucy-eye. It was pronounced like that for a reason. In Latin the term Luc meant Illumination. Just like in Lucifer, the son of the morning. The name Lucifer meant Morningstar. He was the bringer of light when he was an angel.

The eye refers to the All seeing eye. My house was the Illumination of the eye. The eye goes back to the Garden of Eden In the Bible when the serpent deceived Eve, promising she and Adam would become "as gods" for disobeying God. When they ate the forbidden fruit, the eye of their understanding was opened concerning good and evil. They became "as gods" in the sense of now being able to make their own decisions concerning good and evil. What the serpent DIDN'T tell Eve was that there are severe consequences for choosing evil.

luc-y-eye: the light and the eye.

It was Lucifer himself that coined the idea of the "All-Seeing Eye when he spoke to Eve.

Genesis 3:5, "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

The sign had always been there. The Luc. We were the Illumination of the Eye.

Lucifer had been defeated but not destroyed. He had only retreated. The conqueror Lafayette had won the battle but not the war.

I tell him the truth and it's tough. I'm running my fingers through his fur. It gets stiff though. The soft, comforting eyes of the small werewolf turn almost frightened. I should expect it. It's not every day you tell someone that you are the descendant of the devil himself.

"Please don't run," I state, "I can't take it if you run."

I feel so alone. It's unlike me to feel so fucking weak. I was always poised and dignified. I was raised to be that way. Why did Rory have to show up now of all times? I had specifically made sure no one was out and made my way out of my family's estate and into Eden to the private pond that belonged to my family as well to cry. I did it specifically so no one would see me. Yet somehow Rory found his way towards me. It was almost as though it was fate or something.

He doesn't run. Rory changes. He changes back to a human. Seeing him become a human is always remarkable. He sheds his fur. His muzzle becomes a soft, warm looking mouth. His dark eyes become the beautiful innocent looking eyes I remember. I stare at his small frame and I just want to pull him back into my arms with every part of me but he seems...afraid.

He turns. He still looks like he wants to run.

"Say something," I say to Rory.

I know he's always been shy. He's always been quiet. Maybe that's why I liked him all this time. Maybe that's what has always kept me wanting to keep him near. I need him to say something though. Anything would do.

"Lucifer was that man that appeared at Aiden's meeting?" he asks me.

I nod.


"You're related to him?"


"Good god."

He's in shock. I know he is. I try to take a step forward. He takes a step back at that moment. I feel like shit.

"You can't tell anyone," I state, "You hear me? No one. Rory, this is the biggest secret ever. I was just told not too long ago. It's still emotional for me knowing exactly who I am. Tonight is a ceremony. A ceremony where I will be given his mark."

"His mark?"

"The mark of the beast. The 666," I explain.

Rory looks disgusted, "You can't do that."

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