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I grew up with magic. It wasn't a choice. I remember one time growing up and there was a little black girl standing at the edge of my bed. My door was locked and so was my window. There was no way she could have gotten in. It was fucking terrifying. She didn't speak at first. She just started bleeding from her fucking mouth. I watched in horror for like ten minutes. I was so scared I pissed my bed and when I was done pissing she said one word.

One word I'd never forget.


Imagine that. Imagine being a kid and having to deal with something like this and not knowing why. I told my mom and she said I was imagining it. My mom never wanted me to grow up with magic especially after my sister was murdered. The thing about magic though is that it followed you...everywhere. Literally. That little girl followed me to school. She followed me on the bus. "Grace." She followed me to the toilet. "Grace," I thought I was losing my mind.

I stopped eating. I started to wrap my meals in my napkin and leave them at the edge of the bed. Soon it was enough for her and she disappeared. It wasn't until much later that I found out this little girl was a spirit of an old ancestor. She was looking for a sacrifice. She was looking for an offering.

It wasn't something that I wanted. If I could choose, I'd be in college right now. I'd have a boyfriend. I wouldn't be getting kidnapped by demons and needing to be rescued by vampires. No matter how sexy they are.

You can't run from magic. It always follows you.

And it will always ask you for grace.

"Is it them?"

I look across the room know I shouldn't be here in this guy's apartment but the truth was...I was horny and this Pietro was definitely attractive. He made thin look good. It's the next morning and there is someone at the door.

"Is it them?"

He nods, "It'll be OK. One second OK?"

He says it but I'm nervous none-the-less. In the next few minutes Aiden, the commander of the Elite Guard walks next to the threshold. I spy him from the area that I'm in. He has his military uniform on. It's dark blue with red piping. It looks really interesting, to say the least. There is another guy with him... another vampire. I hear Pietro from the door.

"This better be important Pietro," Aiden says, "We have important things to do."

I overhear them talking about me.

"It's a witch doctor that was attacked by a demon."

"There are demon attacks every day now."

"This is different. There were a bunch of them. Winnie's dead. The kid says he went to hell. He may have some information we can use."

"And you're in your underwear because..."

"I was just being accommodating."

"You fucked a guy you should have been protecting?"

"Fucks a strong word commander. Let's just say I showed him some vampire hospitality with my dick."

"Good god, Pietro."

"I know. I'm a fuckin mess. Chew me up later about it General. I need you to hear what this guy has to say."

I get real quiet when the Ambassador walks in. Vampires freaked me out. This was coming from a boy who literally communed with spirits. There is something unnatural about them. Maybe it's how handsome they all are. Maybe it's how perfect they are. My brother Micko joked that he never met an ugly vampire. Maybe it was the fact that they lived forever. They had forever to fix their look. Or maybe you weren't allowed to become a vampire unless you were perfect. Either way, there is something quite unnatural about him. When he walks in he sighs as though tired. I don't know if it's disappointment in Pietro or if he really just doesn't want to be here.

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