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"Are you guys sure you want to go?"

"The city needs us..."

"I can come too."

"The pack needs you."

"I just don't want to see you hurt baby. You have no idea what that would do to me."

They share a kiss. I'm standing there in the living room of the small apartment watching them. I'm so quiet. I barely breathe. The door is open just so slightly. I've been staying with Yuma and his Alpha Basil for the past year. I was a stray. A stray wolf with no home and luckily for me I had made a friend in Yuma. A good friend. My only real friend. But I wasn't a part of their pack. I was an outsider and even now as I spy on Yuma and his boyfriend I feel like an outsider.

I'm spying out of curiosity. There is no malice in my heart. I would never hurt them. Either of them. They've taken me in when I had no one.

My hearts beating fast watching the way Basil stands up and grabs onto Yuma.

"I'll be fine," Yuma assures him.

Yuma likes it. I can tell by how he melts in Basil's arm. Basil was always...quite the man. He was tall and honorable. His face was covered with battle scars but beneath all those scars is a strong, handsome man. The scars that Basil has don't ever take away from how attractive he is. His eyes have this love. It's this love I could only imagine. The way he looked at Yuma was unlike anything I've ever known in my life. It was this love that just echoed romance.

Nothing else mattered in the world to Basil except holding onto Yuma and nothing mattered to Yuma in the world except making sure that Basil was comfortable.

"If you go join General Aiden's elite team and something happens to you, I'll tear down Eden," Basil promises his lover.

He means it too. I can see it in his eyes. There is a sense of ownership in his eyes.

"The wolves need representatives."

"You're one of the smallest wolves."

"I'm the only wolf willing to go. Me and Rory. We need to do this. You have to understand."

"Come back to me..."


That's when Basil grabs Yuma up. He grabs him up like A MAN! His muscular arms subdue his lover into submission turning him up against the wall. He's stern but gentle all at the same time. He grunts and ravages as I see his hands turn into claws. I watch with a hard dick as he rips Yuma's clothes off. It took a trained werewolf to do a partial transition. Basil's control of the transition was showing even during a passionate moment. His claws make quick work of Yuma's clothing. They are left in shreds. I stare with this deep wanting as I see Yuma is naked before I know it. His small perky butt is spread up to the air. His long hair is wrapped up in his Alpha's grip. I stare at the door watching Yuma's perky ass literally almost pleading for his Alpha to dominate him.

Basil gives him what he wants. I watch as Basil's long thick dick rams into Yuma. It doesn't just go straight in though. He moves it side to side. It's as though he's trying to hit new and different spots of Yuma's colon. It's as though his dick is trying to explore Yuma's body.

"Give me you," Yuma pleads with his Alpha, "Give me all of you."

"Every last drop."



"And forever."

Grunts. The pounding gets harder. It gets faster. Deep into the night, I hear Basil bust a cum shot and he howls. His mouth opens and he howls into the night. From the distance, I can hear members of Basil's pack in the nearby houses howl back. They know what Basil is doing. They know Basil is giving his Bet the best dick in the world. They were proud of their Alpha.

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