"The Ambassador's brother?" he asks as soon as he sees me.

Pietro lifts up his eyebrow. I don't think he knew who my brother was. I wonder if he regrets what happened yesterday. I wonder why I care about what Pietro thinks about me. Truth is, Pietro reminded me of someone. Maybe it was how loose he was with his lips. He seemed open to talking about just about anything. I enjoyed it. It felt free and that was something that I was attracted to. It was opposite of the person I was. Mickson Boss, brother of Micko Boss. Micko was the ambassador of the Witch Doctors. He basically led us especially since the absence of the Witch King Genesis.

"Here's some coffee..."

"Vampires drink coffee?"

"Not really. Can't speak for everyone. For me, the shit does a number on my stomach. And by a number, I'm talking 1000. But sometimes I like to brew it and just smell it. And it's good for moments like this. Moments where you share your story about hell."

Pietro is still in his underwear when he sits next to me. Over us is Aiden. Aiden hasn't smiled since he walked into the room. From the little I knew about Aiden, he was walking fire. That's the best way to describe him. All duty on the surface but bubbling right underneath was all this passion. He was really good to look at and even mesmerizing but he had a temper out of this world and was just waiting for someone to light that flame. He stares at me with those daring eyes. He's daring me to waste his time.

"Why'd you leave the witch towers?"

"I went looking for a...boy," I state.

"A boy?"

"Someone I was interested in, romantically. He disappeared and I went to go find him."

"Fuck." That last part comes from Pietro. He spits the curse word out of nowhere as though he'd been possessed and forced to say it.

I'm kind of surprised he says it. I think it catches him off guard. Aiden shoots Pietro a stare though and Pietro gets real quiet like a good soldier. I cross my arms though and just look back at Aiden. To say that I'm a bit intimidated by the vampire was an understatement, so I was going to be as honest as I can, even if that meant making things weird with me and Pietro.

"We weren't dating. Not official. Just putting that out there..."

I look at Pietro when I say it. I don't think it really matters though. I can tell he's a bit turned off by it either way.

Aiden could care less, "Finish the story. How'd you end up in hell?"

"Tracked him there. Using magic. There's a portal. A portal straight to hell in the forest. That's where the demons came from. I got caught for a while. I was taken to their dungeons. "

"They have dungeons?" he asks.

"They have a whole outpost out there in the forest right at the gates of hell."

Aiden looks at the other officer in the room. All of a sudden they seem very interested in my story. I'm shocked that this was news to them. I'm shocked that they didn't know where the demons were located. Had anyone crossed into the forest since the demons attacked? I look over at Pietro to see his reaction. He still looks bothered.

"Wait so if that wasn't your boyfriend, did you want him to be?" Pietro asks.

It's clear he has one thing on his mind.

"Pietro enough," Aiden grunts, before turning to me, "Would you know how to get back there? Would you know how to show us how to get back to these gates?"

Unholy War 3: The GatesWhere stories live. Discover now