Chapter One - Pic Of Bianca

Start from the beginning

"Hey, come in. Shhh!" I said and she dashed in before I shut my door and locked it again. I turned to her and raised an eye brow at her outfit.

"Who are you going to see tonight?" I asked as I sat on my bed again picking up my phone to see NO NEW MESSAGED written on the top of the screen.

"Derek, he's your age and he can drive. How sick is that huh?" she says smiling happily, I can tell she's extremely excited. 

"Wait Derek Miller, or Derek Langue?" I asked because there was a big difference between the two. One was hot and a jock and the other one was nerdy and played dungeon and dragons. Ugh! Although the nerdy one was totally loaded.

"Miller for sure, you wouldn't see me caught dead with Langue. I mean even his name sounds disgusting." We both laughed and Blaize (my sister) sat down beside me. 

"Well I'm proud of you, Miller a looker and a good guy for the most part. But be careful ok? I mean I don't want to go beat him up unless I have too."

"No, no, don't worry I have a good feeling about him. Anyways I came in here to go out your window. Mom and dad said I'm grounded tonight and your window is the only one that has a tree close enough to climb down on." I laughed a bit before nodding my head. 

"Sure thing Blaize, but if you get caught make sure they don't know it was from my room. Then their cut down the tree, I'm surprised they haven't figured it out yet." I said to myself and laughed a bit before standing up and opening the window for her. She got up and hugged me quickly before thanking me and going out the window.

Me and my sister get along great. I mean we do have our moments but mainly were like best friends. The only reason why is because we are almost identical in looks and personality. I mean who couldn't get along with a mini clone of themselves. The only difference was she was a year younger and had lighter hair and darker eyes. But other than that we were the same.

Just then my phone beeped, saying I had a new message, and I walked over and flipped it open.

New message from Alec <3 - k , jus got off practise n on my way. Srry m lat - luv u babe

I smiled and shut my phone, at least he apologized. I mean he never does, He must really mean it if he said sorry. I walked down the stairs going to wait for Alec - but I made sure to shut and lock my door, just in case Blaize needs a way back in. Once I was about to go outside I heard my mom call me into the kitchen.

"Blaize is that you, I said you're not allowed out tonight. Get over here now!" She said - ok so maybe she didn't exactly call me there but you get what I mean. I shut the door and walked into the kitchen, sitting around the table was both my mom and dad drinking a coffee or whatever was in their cups. 

"It's not Blaize, I was just going to go with Alec." I said as I sat on my hip and crossed my arms looking at them both.

"Oh, well have fun then. Do you know where Blaize is?" my mom said as if I would give her up, which would never happen. I sickly smiled at her and pointed my finger upstairs. 

"Sulking in her room, where else?" and with that I turned around and went straight out the door not even answering my parents 'goodbyes'. God I hated them.

My parents and I don't have the best relationship. They didn't like how I was running my life and I didn't like the life they had planned for me. See Big Problem! Anyways, we just didn't get along and they would always try and force me into staying at home on school nights or doing my homework instead of hanging with Alec. But mainly I ignored them which got me multiple grounding and home arrests - which I figured haven't worked so far so why bother continuing with that method. I would just sneak out of the house and do whatever I wanted because honesty I couldn't handle my parents having control over me. Sometimes I would do things just because they didn't want me to, and not because I actually wanted to do it. 

Yeah I know, I sound like a bitch. But you know what, I could give a rats ass what people think.

Just then Alec's new Cadillac Escalade pulled up in front of me. It was going to fast I was scared I was going to be hit. But it stopped and inch away and I slapped the top angrily before going over and getting in the car.

"You're such a jerk when you do that" I said crossing my arms and looking ahead of me.

"Awwe, didn't mean to scare you babe. It wasn't intentional." And with that he placed a small kiss on my collar bone, then neck, moving to my jaw line and then the corner of my mouth. I turned fully to him and kissed him hard, all thoughts of getting run over out of my mind as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands went around my waist and after a bit of making out I pulled back - big goofy smile and all on my face.

"Happy 5 month-aversary" I said and pecked him once more before he turned and started the car once again.

"Same to you babe" and with that said I slid my hand into his free one and turned the music a bit louder. Quietly listening to '21 guns by green day' play on the radio as we sped down the road.

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