If I Could Tell You

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A/N: I just felt I needed to tell you personally and this is all I could think to do...

Dear B.C.~
Someone else told you last time
And you didn't know how to handle it.
It made things awkward
And I felt terrible
Because I don't want things to be awkward
Not between us
So I let things die down
I swept it under a rug and tried to forget
I tried to forget how I felt.
But it's been months
And it still hasn't worked
My feelings still remain
It makes me want to cry and scream
I hate it
How I feel...
Because I don't want to pressure you
I don't want you to feel like you have to say yes
But I'm selfish
I'm not normally and out loud I can't
I can't bring myself to say it
To say how much I want you to give me
An answer
A simple yes or no
That's it
But I let you 'I don't know' slide
It hit a point where I tried to push you away
I don't know if you noticed though
Because I always seem to get quiet around you
You make me nervous ya know
It's silly but you do.
Last time it never happened,
But this time with you
You make my stomach do flips
I'm filled with butterflies just writing this
Like I said it's silly
I shouldn't care so much should I?
But I do, call it my Achilles heel,
When I fall I fall hard...
And it seems I've fallen for you.
I just wanted to tell you myself,
But this is the only way my words work out right...
I like you,
I like you more than I can write
I just need an answer,
A simple yes or no,
I promise I can handle either.
I promise not to make things awkward.
I promise not to push you out.
I promise to be there for you,
Irregardless to your answer.
Just please,

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