I Know

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I wish I knew before
I wish I could've been there
Now you're crying on the floor
And I'm too late...

I know you're not okay
I know you're not alright
I know you're not perfect
But I'd be lying if I said I was

I've seen the shine of promise
The promise that enveloped the pain
The pain that numbs your brain

And I know, I know that that promise shines
And I know, that it feels so nice
And I know, that sting satisfies
It satisfies by taking your mind off the pain
The pain of life

I know that others disagree
But they don't know it like me
I know that I'm just one person
That I'm just one voice
In a sea of people shouting
And screaming
And calling you out
But their calling you out because

They don't know
Don't know just how much life hurts
And they don't know
Don't know how real that promise feels
They don't understand
I know, please believe me
I know

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