My Mistake

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Why was I so stupid
Stupid enough to think texting
You wouldn't blow up in my face.
I lied to you
I hid my true feelings
Out of anger and out of caring
Caring for a close friend
A friend who told me she loved you.
I pushed you away, I pushed you to her
I hid my feelings by acting like an ass to you
I did a good job too
Until last night you still thought I hated you
Until last night
I was fine ignoring my feelings for you
But you told me how you saw me
And it hurt so I told you the truth
You know I still like you
But you know I don't want her hurt
I can't win this battle
I just want to make sure everyone else is happy
I just want everyone else to be whole
Even if it means using pieces of myself
I want to put everyone else back together
But it's too late

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