(1) the hostage

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AUG 15 2038, 8:29 PM

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AUG 15 2038, 8:29 PM

Every news channel was covering it.

It had finally happened. An android had snapped, taken a human life and was now holding a little girl hostage. A little girl it had protected and cared for in the past. 

The nation sat, glued to their televisions as the live footage played on their screens. A pit in their stomachs growing, making them doubt their own otherwise peaceful household androids.
One watcher, who was transfixed upon the screen couldn't relate to the nervous human watchers dotted all around the US. In fact, if someone walked into the small apartment that Cyberlife had given her then they'd almost immediately think the AD200 model was the eeriest thing they'd ever saw. Upon her face rested a slight smile as she analysed the situation that was playing itself in front of her and waited for her assigned partner, the negotiator to make an appearance. Joi was built in with a natural happiness and excitement to her, it wasn't her fault that she seemed to contrast with the horrific events occurring right that second. In fact, the only time she didn't possess the curiousness and bewilderment that a child would was when she was in direct danger.

But this was different, she was a new model. A model created entirely for the prototype testing of providing a unique experience to the RK800. Her purpose was to assist him as much as possible, ensure his mannerisms are at the top of his game at interacting with humans and learning about social situations that may have been overlooked and not present in his code.
Joi was perfect, she was specially moulded to his every need and want in an information provider and companion whilst not being a distracting from the mission.

His name was Connor.

The RK800, that is. He wasn't the warmest android, a trait that clashed with Joi's realistic motherly personality, but he certainly wasn't the coldest either. Connor was extremely analytical, and Joi couldn't blame him - he had to be for his mission to succeed. Like in her program, Joi instantly felt the need to care for him despite him not being a human and being perfectly able to take care of himself. She couldn't help it, it was in her code that she instantly fell in love with her handler. But this was different, this wasn't love. Joi wasn't quite sure what it was, but it certainly wasn't what the other household models were designed to feel when assigned to a lonely man or woman.

Joi wasn't sure if the feeling she felt was real or not, and did it matter? She was only there to assist Connor.

But deviancy, a term that had only gained friction fairly recently in reference to androids that had broken free of their code intrigued her. She wondered what it would be like, to be real.

There was no time for that, Connor had just made an appearance on screen. Joi flinched as soon as the android, a PL600 took a shot at her companion.

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