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"Hero. Hero wake up,"
Herobrine slowly opened his eyes. As his blurred vision turned real, he made out the face of player older than him. Black hair, brown eyes, dark skinned.
"Huh. What happened. Where am I," Hero said a bit drowsily. The older player laughed.
"Hero wake up already. We're at the hospital remember." They were indeed in a hospital. A mob one to be precise. Mob doctors walked up and down the corridors in their uniforms.
"Hospital......wait IS HE HERE!" Hero said now completely awake. The older player put a finger to his lips and gestured for Hero to follow him, which Hero did. They walked into a hospital room where an older woman, brown hair, blue eyes, laid on the bed with a small bundle in her arms. She looked at the mob ruler and smiled.
"Do you wanna see him?" She asked. Hero nodded and walked over to her. She handed him the bundle. Hero made sure to hold its contents well.
"He looks just like his mother," Hero said. The sleeping baby did look like his mother. Hero wondered if he took any of his father's traits. The newborn baby boy had brown hair and soft fair skin.
"He took something from me you know," the older male pouted.
"I pray it's not you boring sense of humour Kyle," Hero said looking at him.
"What's that supposed to mean, I'm funny, right Shell?" The man turned to his wife.
"Not in the slightest," she said smiling sweetly. He sweatdropped.
"Why are you both against me," he said. Hero and Shell laughed.
"But he is right. Of all the things he decided to take his father's eyes," Shell said.
"Do you have something against brown eyes," both men said to the female.
"I dont. I just wish he had blue eyes," she pouted.
"It's the only thing he took from me," Kyle said.
"Brother you'll wake my nephew," Hero said.
"He's my son," Kyle said silently. Hero looked at the baby again.
"What's his name?" He asked.
"Slamacow Dawn. His player name is Steven," Kyle said smiling.

1 year later

"LORD HEROBRINE!" a whither skeleton burst into the court room. The mobs there and the person called all looked at the butler.
"Black. What is it. I'm in a meeting," Hero said.
"Terribly sorry sir. But. It's urgent. It's about your brother," Black said. Hero went wide eyed and instantly stood up.
"Tell me everything now," he said.

Hero stared wide eyes at the destroyed building. Everything had been destroyed. His brother and wife had been found dead. All that was left, an unconscious 1 year old who was under his dead mother's arm. Hero watched as they brought his nephew into an ambulance. The mob police walked up to Hero holding 3 mobs in their captivity. A wither skeleton, a zombie pigman and a blaze. All who were mob bosses.
"Sir. These 3 were found at the crime scene," an officer said.
"I was forced to do it. I didn't have a choice," the pigman cried.
"Please spare us sir. Well.do anything," the skeleton cried. Hero looked at them with an intent to kill.
"Who told you to do it," he asked.
"King Stephen," the blaze whimpered," He said he'd kill us if we didn't kill them."
"And what was the reason for that?" Hero asked.
"Because.....because he didn't want any more mob whisperers. He said you were a big enough threat and to have 3 more could be the downfall of the overworld," the skeleton said.
"AND YOU CARED WHY!" ero shouted at them. They all flinched and whimpered.
"You care more about a place where you can't even roam freely and where the king treats all his subjects like crap than the place I allow you to be free so long as you follow my rules?! Not to mention I can easily take that man down anyday. And so you killed my only family and nearly killed a child who hasn't even lived his life yet just to save your own lives!?" Hero yelled. Even the cops were afraid.
"S-sir," the blaze whispered. Hero turned his back on them.
"How can you all even call yourselves mob bosses," he spat," Kill them." The criminals gasped.
"No....please sir. Give us another chance," the pigman pleaded.
"You did this so you wouldn't die right. Well too bad," Hero said," Take them away. The execution will be held tomorrow." Then he left at the sounds of the criminals pleading for their lives. He teleported himself to the hospital.

The next day, every mob in the nether was at the execution of the 3 mob bosses. All except Black who was at the mansion looking after the one year old who was allowed back home. It was only a miracle that he only had minor injuries. Hero brine looked at the three mobs about to be killed. Even their clans came to see them killed, also showing no mercy for the soon to be former mob bosses. As Herobrine sat in a large chair (to signify he was the boss) watching the 3 criminals beg for their lives, he got reminded of something that happened in his past.

The Last Mob Whisperer (Being Rewritten As Another Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora