What am I

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Steven woke up in his room. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.
"What happened?" He asked himself," How did I get back here? Went we in the forest?" Then he remembered everything.
"Oh yeah," he said," we came face to face with those mutants and then..... waot. What happened then? Why is my memory do blurry?"
The sleep instantly vanished from his eyes as he bolted out of bed? He ran downstairs and made his way to where the crash was heard.
"Steven......," he heared. He stopped running.
"My dad. HE KILLED MY DAD!" he heared again. He froze, wide eyed. He slowly started backing away from the door. He didn't know that there was a vase behind his though and backed up into it. That was when he saw Jerome in the doorway looking at him. Tears started to fall from Stevens eyes as he ran out the nearest window, not turning back when he heard Jerome call out to him.

Steven stopped running when he reached a clearing. He fell to his hands and knees, still crying and panting as running had taken a toll on him. All he could remember were those words.
Steven squeezed his eyes shut as he shook his head viciously. No. He couldn't have killed their father. Their father died in an accident. He should know. He was in the accident too. It rendered him unconcious for 2 weeks. That was the truth.
Yet, the more he thought of it, the more he thought his life was......a lie. Mitch was overprotective and honest. He would have never said that without a reason. But he knew he didn't kill their father. He couldn't have. Could he?
He was so mixed in thought that he didn't notice that he was surrounded by charged creepers until he was blown back a bit by one which exploded a few meters away from him. He instantly reached for his sword.....only to realize that it was back home. That was also when he realized that he was freezing due to leaving his coat at home aswell. He gripped his arms as he fell into the snow.
'Great. You've gone and done it now Slamacow,' Steven thought to himself. He closed his eyes tightly,'I don't wanna die. Not yet. Someone. Help me please!'
Steven slowly opened his eyes and saw that there were suddenly no more creepers. His vision started to blur, but he caught sight of brown and orange. The player, as he guessed it was, ran to wards him and that was the last thing he saw before blacking out.

Steven woke up in his room. Wait. No. This wasn't his room. It looked like a tent. He slowly sat up and saw that he was laying on the ground. He also realized that he was wearing something soft. He looked at his arms and saw that it was a winter coat. As he continued to look himself over, somebody walked into the tent. Somebody tall, black and slender. Wait. That wasn't someone.
"Oh. Good your awake," the person said.
It was something.
Stevens eyes widened.
It was an..
"ENDERMAN!" Steven yelled, sheilding his eyes away from the mob.
"No no. Wait. I won't hurt you!" The mob protested. Then two others ran into the tent.
"What's going on?" A boys voice said. Though it was in mob tounge.
"He woke up and freaked out. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING," The enderman said in mob tounge as well.
"Are you sure," a zombie was heard. Steven curled into a ball.
"Shut up," the enderman said.
Where the heck was he.
"Dude it's ok!" Somebody finally said in player tounge.
"Are you gonna hurt me?" Steven asked.
"Hurt you. Why in the My World would we do that?" The player said. Steven slowly looked at the person. It was a player with brown hair, green eyes and a red winter jacket. Steven gasped.
"LionBlaze?!" He asked.
"In the flesh," he smiled. Steven looked at the two mobs.
"So....the zombie and enderman are....,"
"Max and Rohn. Sorry for the scare dude. I found you in the forest while I was looking for food and you passed out. So I took you here," Lion said. Steven suddenly hugged him.
"Woah. It's ok. It's what friends do," Lion said. Then Steven let go.

"So. why exactly were you out in the forest on your own trying to die of hypothermia?" Lion asked, smirking.

"Hey. Its not like i was trying to kill myself," Steven protested," There's a reason you know."

"Lemme hear it," Lion said.

"Well.....um....something happened," Steven said.

"With Blart and Dave?" Lion asked.

"Well. no. We separated for the Christmas so I'm staying with some friends. After a run in with some mobs in the forest, something happened. I cant really remember it well. When i woke up in my room. I heard something fall downstairs so i went to find out what it was. Then i heard my brother Say that........i kill our dad," Steven said

"Your brother? Lion asked.

"I'm adopted," He replied.

"So. Your brother is accusing you of killing your dad?" Lion asked. Steven nodded.

"Ok. So do you think that you did?" Lion asked.

"I'm really confused about it," Steven said.

"But do you remember it that way?" Lion asked.

"No," Steven replied.

"Then why don't you ask your brother what really happened?" Lion said standing.

"But what if he....he says its true," Steven asked.

"Then well have to deal with it. As soon as your heated up enough we go find your brother and your friends. I mean You've been out for about 3 days. They must be worried," Lion said smiling," I'm gonna get something edible. Try to keep warm."

"Ok," Steven said. Then Lion left the tent, leaving Steven with the two mobs who stayed silent for the entire conversation. After a few minutes Steven blinked.

"Wait. IV'E BEEN OUT FOR 3 DAYS!" he yelled.

"That's a late reaction," Max said. Rohn laughed.

Slisa-YAY NEXT CHAPPIE FINISHED. I hope you all enjoyed.

Check out LionBlaze


And his story


I especially wanna say thanks to him for allowing me to use his characters in this story. JUST WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! It will most likely come out late. I have exams now. No. Not summer. Summer for me starts in July. After next week. SEE YA!

The Last Mob Whisperer (Being Rewritten As Another Book)Where stories live. Discover now