"Already tried it but he refused it. Keeps telling me that he doesn't need it and it's just a waste of money." I told him as I remember that one time I told him we should buy his own car.


We were currently at the couch sitting side by side and watching a movie he picked for us to watch together when I brought up the topic.

"Hey." I said, trying to catch his attention. It did and he asked back without breaking his stare at the television.


I wait a couple of seconds before telling the thing that I want to say since the first time I gave him a ride to his work.

"Why don't you have a car owned?" I asked. Curiousness really taking over me.

He stopped munching the chips he brought and look at me surprised. I raise my brow at the sudden change of action. After a couple of seconds of him just staring at me he finally answer my question. "Because I don't want one." He simply replied. A frown form on my forehead at his answer.

"But it is much more essential for transportation rather than commuting." I reasoned to him. He raise his brow at first before shaking his head.

"It would be inconvenient. Imagine, where the hell will I park it once I get to the cafe? The parking lot is so far away and I couldn't just park it on the side of the road where people walk on. Besides, it's only a waste of money. I don't need it okay?" He replied with arms crossed and look back at the movie. The movie no longer caught my interest and instead I talk again.

"Why don't you try it first? I'll buy you one right away." I persist. He sigh and put down the chips and face his body at me. He cross his legs below him so he can fully face me.

"I already did. It didn't go well. And don't you dare secretly buy me a car or else I'll get mad at you for wasting money on such thing." He threaten as he point his finger at my face. I shut my lips tightly and simply nodded my head. He seems satisfied and let out a small smile.

"Besides, you're already driving me to work and picking me up so what's the point of me having it anyway? I prefer this." He added before going back to his original sitting position and continue watching the movie.

"You sure?" I asked for the last time. He nodded and grin.

"One hundred percent." He assured.

After that talk I never brought up that topic ever again.


"Besides, I'm already giving him a ride to his work and picking him up. I guess it really is inconvenient." I added. He chuckled while looking at me.

"That's so sweet of you." He commented with a small smile on his face. I look away and didn't talk back. After a few minutes he talk once again.

"Are you two getting along well?"

Why does he have so many questions today?

"Yes, father." I said through gritted teeth. He close his mouth tightly. Finally some peace. Now, what am I going to do next-

"By the way," Oh my god. Can't he just be quiet for a few min- "your cousin will arrive this weekend."

I paused on my mental complaining and blink a couple of times as I process the new information. When I finally recover, I sat up straight and thought of it.

I already know who my father is talking about. I only have one cousin since my father is an only child and my late mom's only sister has just one child.

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