Chapter 14

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I just wanted to say before you read this, I'm so sorry for such a short chapter but to be honest it was a really hard chapter to write. The writers block refused to go away and its been so long since I've updated I wanted to give you guys something! Anyways, here's the next chapter of Muted Love!
The group arrived at the restaurant and saw Itachi sitting in a far off booth, phone in his hand.

"You guys didn't tell me he was going to be here." Konan hissed as the group walked towards him.

"Oh, we didn't?" Deidara pretended to ask innocently as he snickered behind his hand.

"Honestly, you two need to get over it and just get back to fucking. It'll be better for both of you." Sasori responded.

Konan gave a flip of her hair as she trailed behind the two. "I'm not going back to an emotionless prick like him. I'm too good for that."

"Whatever you say." Was Sasori's response as he continued on.

Itachi looked up from the table as Deidara and Sasori were the first to approach. He frowned when he noticed Konan behind them, Naruto and Sasuke behind her. "Why am I not surprised you'd do something like this to me."

"We just want to see you happy, Itachi." Deidara smiled at him as he sat down. "And you were happiest with Konan."

"Yeah, Konan's a nice girl." Naruto spoke up.

'Don't butt in.' Sasuke nudged him in the side. 'The drama between them is enough and you live with Itachi.'

"Shit." Naruto whispered under his breath.

"Thank you, Naruto." Konan smiled at him. She then turned back to Itachi, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't even know how you guys even could tell he was happy."

Itachi rolled his eyes before pointing to the seat next to him. "Just sit down."

She looked around to see that all the other seats were taken. She let out a huff before sitting down and scooting her chair closer to Naruto.

"So, what were you two doing that made you meet up with these three?" Itachi asked, looking to Naruto and Sasuke.

'A date.' Sasuke signed casually.

Itachi's eyebrows went up as he stared at the two. Naruto blushed under his gaze. "A date? Really?"

Sasuke gave a nod. 'We went to Akatsuki.'

"Oh." Itachi stayed silent afterwards, taking a sip of his drink.

"So, your artwork?" Naruto spoke up.

"What about it?"

"Uh, why'd you stop?"

"I had to take care of Sasuke. He needed to be watched constantly."

"So, now that I'm here, will you go back?"

The rest of the table looked up to stare at the older Uchiha.

"That's a good question, un. Will you come back?" Deidara asked, his eyes wide.

Itachi cleared his throat. "I don't know, that I may be just a part of my past now."

"I liked your artwork." Konan spoke up, her voice low. "I think you should go back to it."

"See, even the person who hates you the most is encouraging you to pursue it." Sasori spoke up as Itachi watched Konan carefully.

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