chapter 4 - the guardians

Start from the beginning

"Apologize accepted, Gabe." Oso replied then turned to Manolo. "Where's yours, Manolo?"

"It's not my fault. I don't need to..." there's a loud growl that stopped his snob answer. I think it's from Oso. "I'm leaving." Manolo said as he's turned around and walked to the door. 2 peo... vampires and some animals which I presume are his poses followed him.

"We're close. You can come again tomorrow." The girl shouted. Suddenly Gabriel's hand closed my eyes. I tried to lose his hold but then his words stop me.

"They're returned to their human form. Naked." I heard his chuckled as I froze and dropped my hand to my side. On those few minutes I heard people muttered 'bye' , steps and the door being opened or closed.


Someone fell on my feet which made me lose my balanced and stumbled. Thank God, one of Gabriel's hand still hold my waist so I didn't fall but his other hand that covered my eyes was loose. I turned around to see who's knocked me. I saw that tony was lying on his back while Drake stood before him. Then Drake turned around and walked to Xajie's whose still faint and carried her bridal style.

"I take her to my place, sire." He informed Gabriel. Gabriel just nods giving his approval but I stopped him. "NO. Take her to my place." He looked at me. He looked like he's offended by my word so I added fast. "Not because I didn't believe you but it's just gonna make her more scared than she already had. She's not familiar with your place so I don't think it's a good idea." I explained.

"She's right. Take her to her place and bring the car." The sexy girl ordered Drake. Drake looked to me and I nodded. I almost followed Drake when Gabriel pulled me back. "Drake, you go first. I'll take Isa." He told Drake. "Yes, sire." Drake nodded to him. Gabriel looked to others, "you also can leave now. Heal your wounds." he ordered them. "And thank you."

They started to leave, they only nodded to me and Gabriel when they passed us. Only Mia who hug me and bowing to Gabriel. Now, only 5 of us. Me, Gabriel, Leon, Oso and the sexy girl.

Out of the blue, the sexy girl slapped Gabriel's head. "What's that all about?" she snarled.

"Sorry, Eve. I didn't mean to mess your place."

"I don't care bout the place. I'm not the one who has to fix it." Her words made Oso groaned. "But you know this is a fair place. NO fight, NO battle, and even NO argue here. This is a NEUTRAL area." She emphasized some of her words.

"But..." "No but. You're failed this time, Gabe." Her words made me feel guilty, I'm the one who caused the fight. "And you..."Eve talked to me, "how do you know this place? You're not one of the donors, right?"

I gave her a confused look. - What donor? - I thought. "She's not. She's under my protection." Gabriel answered it for me but then she turned to me. I gave him 'what' look, before I remember eve's question, "Xajie whose knew this place. Her cousin told her." Gabriel and the others exchanged looks to each other.

"I'll take her home now. We'll talk again later." Gabriel told them as he grabbed my arm and led me to the door. As we out the club, he turned me to face him. "I'm sorry, but you have to hold on to me for a moment." When I just look at him, he took my hands and entwined them around his neck. He holds my waist a bit tighter than before. "Hold on, ok." Before I could register his words, he leaped high to the sky. We're not flying, just leaping high. 'Didn't vampire can fly?' I thought.

I burrowed my face to his chest. Not because I scared of high, but I really miss to smell his scent. I exhaled deeply and his smell sooth me. At that moment I know my decision. I don't have to be scared of him and only he can make me feel like this. Save, relax and....loved. I really enjoy being in his hold, I didn't realized that we already arrive at my house. He loosed his hold on my waist and pushed me a bit. "We're here." I reluctantly released my hold. I looked around but I couldn't see Xajie's car.

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