"Good," Harry said curtly, busying himself with his drink.

"So, I'm looking forward to us working together sometime... if you know what I mean," Hilary leaned closer, and Harry scoffed.

"And I'd rather give up my career than work with you ever again," Harry spat, his anger and remnants of heartbreak seeping through.

"Think twice before you say that babe," Hilary leaned in and whispered in Harry's ear, as Harry hastily pulled back, scowling at her. He couldn't believe he was ever attracted to this skank before. She was nowhere near attractive to him now. He really was blinded by puppy love. He didn't even see Hilary was a good few years older than him back then. Cougar, huh!

Hilary smirked, an evil glint in her eye. And then with lightning fast speed, she leaned in and kissed an unprepared Harry full on the lips, who froze in shock for a full second, then pushed Hilary off him.

"What the h-"

"Oh my God Harry!" Hilary shrilled, making a show of pulling away from Harry, when the poor guy was the one prying the skank off him.

"How dare you kiss me!" She announced to all the guests who were now silent and listening to the latest scandal unfold. "I have a boyfriend!" she cried in faux anger.

Oh boy. Harry knew him. Everyone knew him. Harry gulped as Felix Matarazzo suddenly popped into view to aid his girlfriend, the bulky Italian model cracking his knuckles while plotting ways to rearrange Harry's face.

Harry jutted his chin out in bravado, trying to control his rapid heart rate as he sized Felix up who easily towered above him. The Italian model was mostly famous for his sharp cheekbones and olive skin. Harry mentally snorted. Louis' black haired creepy assassin boyfriend could give Felix and his cheekbones a run for their money.

"Why did you kiss my girl?" he growled impatiently and Harry laughed as his eyes fell on a smirking Hilary, making Felix's eyes narrow.

"Why would I kiss your skank of a girlfriend?" Harry spat without thinking, when he should have cleared up the confusion.

And so, seconds later Harry Styles was rammed into the wall, Felix fisting his shirt, his spine pressing painfully into the ridged wall of the exterior of Nick's villa.

"What did you call her?" The Italian brute queried, deadly slow, and a dazed Harry wondered where the so called security was. People had their phones out, already recording amd tweeting. Just great. Harry was going to get his face rearranged and no one's saving him. How cliché. How selfish celebrity-ish.

"A-" Harry winced as the bricks cut into his back. "A lying, manipulating," -pant- "Snank."

And then Harry was blinded by the excruciating blow to his cheekbone, as his head simultaneously banged on the wall. The party goers started cheering and hooting as Harry unsucessfully tried to block his face. Through the sound of blood rushing in his ears, Harry saw a few guys trying to pull Felix away, who wrestled them and turned back to Harry with a merciless glare.

The second punch to Harry's gut made him double over in pain, as stars flashed behind his eyes. He rolled around, moaning in pain, feeling like he was going to puke.

He doesn't remember if he had puked first or fainted.


"Haz! He's awake!" A hazy voice entered Harry's ears as he sat up on the bed he was laid on. Immediately feeling he might retch again, Harry collapsed back on the bed with a light moan of pain.

"Mate, you okay?" Nick entered his vision. Harry groggily registered he was in Grimmy's bedroom. "You took two nasty hits. I was inside with the guys setting up the game, or I would have stopped him! Man oh man I shoulda seen this coming!" Nick muttered. "That devious bitch! She sick her newest toy on you!"

Despite the pain he was in, Harry laughed at Nick's words. "It all happened too fast," Harry said softly.

"And those bastards, on one even stopped Felix from punching you! I'm really sorry mate, I feel responsible 'cos I urged you," Nick said guiltily. Harry winced, pulling himself up.

"Nah, it's not your fault. Hilary has issues. I'll steer clear of her path now." But seeing her again after so long and now getting humiliated by her yet again, Harry's heartbreak and anger had resurfaced, along with the realisation that he can't make everyone like him.

"Oh yeah! And a bloke in a black coat was here to pick you up. I'll tell him you came to," Nick patted his knee, getting up and exiting the room.

Harry's heart raced. Liam was here? Was he worried? And then a blanket of shame crept up on him. This was his only chance to prove that Harry could do fine without a bodyguard. And he had blew it.

Harry didn't look forward to Liam's silent, smirking taunts.

Liam stormed inside the room. "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes roaming Harry's body who was slightly shocked. Harry expected something along the lines of "What did you so now you fucking idiot!" or "You're pathetic." But the concern dripping from Liam's tone and  showing his eyes made his heart warm.

Harry smiled at Liam. "I'm better yeah. Can we please leave?"

Liam laughed. "Sure," as he helped Harry up, who winced and draped an arm over his bruised stomach.

"You can't last a day without me eh?" Liam teased, and Harry laughed.

"Yeah, I need you near me all the time," Harry said huskily, and Liam tutted.

"So. Do I wanna know the story?" Liam lightly asked, pointing towards the villa as they walked to the agency's car.

Harry gazed up at Liam. "Yep," he sighed. Then softly, "I want to tell you everything." Even if you won't care.

* * *

Intense Lirry chapter next! ;)

Hilary aka bitch on the side xD >>

And I imagine Felix as Mariano Di Viao (oh swoon, that man)

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