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As soon as Erza finished up her work for today she headed over to the kitchen and helped me set out the table, soon after Natsume and Lucy got here and helped with cooking and tidying up, thank god they were her or we wouldn't have finished in time.

(Y/N): ok are we all set
Lucy: I think so
Erza: I'm sure we are
Natsume: yup

I looked at Natsume as she answered, she had her arms crossed and her head down, I really was sorry so I needed to speak to her

(Y/N): Erza, Lucy I'm gonna pull Natsume to side I'll be back and if my parents get here just don't open the door
Erza: alright (Y/N)
Lucy: mission received

I addressed Natsume and walked her to my room where we spoke for a while before our parents came
Lucy's POV

Me and Erza decided to add some small touches to the table and we decided to lay the food out like a buffet before we sat down to talk

Lucy: ugh I'm so exhausted
Erza: really?
Lucy: well ya we just did a lot of stuff, plus I cleaned under the table and chairs because you can't so I technically did have to move way more, but I'm still shocked to see that your not tired at all
Erza: it is strange, it seemed like during my first trimester I was out of breath a lot more often
Lucy: well partly because you vomited every 5 minutes
Erza: speaking of that I haven't been vomiting either which is good, but my sexual drive is increasing so it's really hard to keep myself in check
Lucy: *glare* I feel like your hiding something
Erza: Nothing at all!!

I looked at Erza as she nervously blushed, I also noticed that she has been touching her stomach a lot during her second trimester I mean she did during her first but hardly, since she didn't have a noticeable bump

Lucy: Erza? Why do you keep touching your stomach?
Erza: huh, oh I didn't even notice I was doing that

Erza removed her hand from her stomach and grabbed (Y/N)'s phone which happened to be placed on the living room coffee table

Erza: oh no!
Lucy: what is it?

I went over to wear Erza was sitting and looked at what she was reading, the message read...

Mom: can't wait to see you and Natsume, me and your dad will be there in about 5 minutes 😘😘😘

I looked at Erza and she looked at me, we were both panicking

Lucy: when did she send the message?
Erza: 8:32
Lucy: what time is it now?
Erza: 8:35
Lucy: omg they're going to be here in 2 minutes
Erza: no, no one comes exactly when they say they are going too

I nodded my head and sighed in relief, just then Natsume and (Y/N) exited the nearby room, it looked like they were on good terms

(Y/N): what where you two talking about
Lucy: your parents are about to be here, but don't worry we have a couple of minutes


Lucy: oh...never mind
(Y/N): they came earlier then expected, same old same old
Natsume: they always do that
Erza: should I answer the door?
(Y/N): no we'll go together

Erza nodded and walked with (Y/N) to the door

I hesitated for a minute but Erza grabbed my hand and we opened the door together, the first one to come in was my mom and my dad was next

Mom: (Y/N) how are you and your girlfriend
Dad: ya how's my little bed wetter

Oh come on, already

(Y/N): heh ya well old man that hasn't happened in 8 years
Dad: oh come on son, it's only been 5

*mental facepalm*

(Y/N): alright dad your the man *annoyed sigh* any way let me introduce you to my girlfriend, this is Erza Scarlet she's th....
Mom: it's very nice to finally meet you, Natsume told me about you but only once since we didn't have the best service where we we're

My mom forcefully took hold of Erza's hand and yanked her forward a few times

Erza: yes... ma'am, It's a... pleasure to meet you
Mom: oh I'm sorry if I was shaking you to hard I tend to do that, and I'm very impressed by your politeness, how did a son like mine manage to capture a delicate and mature woman like you
(Y/N): that's enough mom
Dad: oh come on son, it's everyday we get to see you with a girlfriend, after all if I recall this is your first
Mom: yes all the woman he used to hang out with we're hookers and delinquents
Dad: yes well he never managed to get laid though, even back in those days
(Y/N): ya thanks for sharing that in front of my girlfriend
Erza: it's alright really, I...
Mom: I'm sorry dear but could you show me to the bathroom
Erza: oh... yes of course

As Erza walked my mother to the bathroom, I was stuck talking to my dad for just a few seconds

Dad: so?
(Y/N): so what
Dad: have you banged her yet
(Y/N): DAD! stop talking like your a young man, and that's none of your business
Dad: well if you haven't you should, she looks like a real good catch
(Y/N): I can agree with you on that
Dad: haha that's my boy!

My dad held out a fist and for the first time in years we had a real father son fist bump, I guess he's not as bad as I remember

Erza: *sigh* alright boys who's hungry?
(Y/N): oh good Erza your back
Dad: hello
Erza: hello Mr. (L/N), Natsume is in the kitchen if you would like to see her, it's nice to meet you by the way
Dad: it's been nice meeting you too sweetie, and thank you I'll be sure to that

My father walked away leaving me and Erza to stand alone by the door

Erza: your parents don't seem that bad, and your dad sure doesn't seem like a bad guy
(Y/N): ya well he was the worse of the two back then, I guess he's straightened himself up
Erza: yes well I'm happy for you

Me and Erza leaned in for a kiss but were interrupted by my mother who jumped at me with a lecture

Mom: (Y/N) (L/N)! What is the meaning of this! How could you not tell your own mother, this is life changing and you didn't even bother with it!
(Y/N): What are you talking about?!

Me and Erza both looked at each other wide eyed and then I looked at my mother who had tears streaming down her face, why did she have to go sticking her nose in everything


Erza X Reader (Male) ❤️ - The Love of my Life - ❤️ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now