The Last Night

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After waiting in line for countless hours me and Erza finally got to go on the Love-Love Slide, and I just have to say that it was lots of fun

(Y/N): *yawn* well I'm beat, but I do have to admit that that was pretty fun
Erza: I agree, it was so fast I couldn't let go
(Y/N): yup, what a thrill
Erza: well (Y/N) we may have time for one more ride before they close for today
(Y/N): I would rather just relax in the pool
Erza: ok then, well how about we go sit with Lucy
(Y/N): sounds good

As we walked over to Lucy's little set up me and Erza talked about what we were gonna do once we got home, earlier in time I had asked her to move in with me but she was hesitant at first, although this conversation had led to the answer being yes, we were gonna seal the bond in our new little home located in the city of magnolia.

Lucy: hey guys! over here!

We spotted Lucy waving her hand and motioning to two free seats beside her, Natsume was there too but she was just reading some stupid book.

(Y/N): Hey hows your relaxing
Lucy: great, how was the ride
(Y/N):it was worth the wait I'll tell you that
Lucy: wow, I might need to bring Natsu here some time
Erza: I don't think Natsu's stomach would be able to handle it
Lucy: oh, your right jeez does his tummy problems always have to ruin my plans
(Y/N): how does he get around anyway
Lucy: he always ends up walking, or I just force him into the car
(Y/N): wow, I would love to see him puking his guts out sometime
Erza: now now (Y/N) you shouldn't criticize Natsu for having a weak stomach, after all you do to when it comes to cold things
(Y/N): *frown* ya ya
Lucy: *laughs* oh ya, I remember when we all went out for ice cream and Erza had to take you home early because of your gas
(Y/N): cut it out, jeez

I gave Lucy and Erza a sour expression as they both laughed at me, even Natsume was trying to hide a smile

Erza: ok, well (Y/N) I'm going to rest under the umbrella with Lucy while you take a dip in the pool
(Y/N): sounds good

After a few relaxing hours off pool side fun, we all went to dinner, my treat

Lucy: yum this pizza is pretty good
Natsume: I know right, I need the recipe
(Y/N): I'll get it later
Erza: yes the pizza was good but,
I still prefer the strawberry cake they serve
(Y/N): *laughs* of course
Erza: would you like some (Y/N)
(Y/N): nope, it's all yours
Erza: very well then
Lucy: I love how Erza willingly shares her cake with you
(Y/N): that just goes to show how much she loves me
Erza: don't push it (Y/N)
(Y/N): I was just joking
Erza: well your not entirely wrong, but still

I smiled at Erza's comment then started to wrap up the pizza

(Y/N): well then, we better start heading to our room, me and Erza need to pack since our stay here ends tomorrow morning.
Erza: this was lots of fun, I do wish we had more time, it really was an eye-opening experience
Lucy: well I get to stay, but I will be working the whole time so I don't see the fun in that.
Erza: enjoy it Lucy, plus you'll have Natsume to talk to if you get bored, you know her well
(Y/N): she's right you know, my nerd sister will be there to entertain you
Natsume: who you calling a nerd! Slacker
(Y/N): hey! You know that statement is false
Natsume: once a slacker always a slacker
(Y/N): shut up you little shit
Natsume: you shut up you massive turd
Erza: *sigh* what am I going to do with those two
Lucy: I don't think there's anything you can do
Erza: I suppose

After wrapping up everything we all said goodnight to each-other and headed to our rooms

Erza: Honestly (Y/N) you and Natsume have to stop fighting
(Y/N): you know how annoying she is, trust me it's not easy to deal with her
Erza: well since we are relocating and Natsume is moving in with Lucy you won't have to deal with her, so when you do see her on occasion please behave yourself
(Y/N):*whines* fiiiiiinnnnne
Erza: good

Erza grabbed my head and drew it toward her breast, I couldn't breath but I wasn't complaining

Erza: alright then, let's pack and go to bed since we have a lot planned for tomorrow
(Y/N): who knew that shopping for a new house would be so fun
Erza: we will be looking for a two room APARTMENT
(Y/N): ya ya apartment/house same thing
Erza: i suppose it is as long as we have cake there
(Y/N): aww come on!
Erza: I'm just joking, as long as your there it's a home and that's all that matters

Erza lay a kiss on my lips then we slowly parted

(Y/N): that's better
Erza: mhmm now start packing

Hoped you liked this chapter, sorry it was shorter than usual. Bye

Erza X Reader (Male) ❤️ - The Love of my Life - ❤️ (On Hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat