Thank You Lucy

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This Chapter is going to be short, by the way.
(Y/N): What time is it?

I reached for my alarm and brought to my face.

(Y/N): hmm, ^yawn^ its already 12:00, time goes by pretty.

I slowly got out of bed and head downstairs, I turned on the tv and opened the refrigerator.

(Y/N): Yes! Natsume left me food, lazy day is the best!!

I sat down on the couch while my food warmed up, I watched a show called Sgt. Frog and eventually started to fall asleep.

Erza's POV

I had always paid attention in class, so I don't know why I couldn't today, I stared at (Y/N)'s desk for the longest time, I couldn't take my eyes off of it. (Y/N) wasn't at school today, he was feeling fine yesterday, so why?

Lucy: Hey, Erza are you ok?

Why wasn't he here? Is he ok? Why was I worried about him? I hardly know (Y/N).

Lucy: Erza!

I felt a hard tap on my shoulder, and I snapped out of my daze.

Erza: What? Lucy, did you need something?
Lucy: Ya, are you ok, you seem different your not paying attention like you usually do.
Erza: oh, it-its nothing really, I was just wondering where (Y/N) is.
Lucy: Oh, he decided to skip school today.
Erza: UGH! How's he gonna get his homework done!
Lucy: WOAH! Calm down, I was gonna bring him... wait, do you mind giving (Y/N) his homework for me.

Why would she ask me to give him his homework, he should've come to school, so he could've gotten it himself.

^Ding Ding Ding^

Erza: Lucy? Why can't you do it?
Lucy: I-I um, i've got something to do, bye!

Erza: Lucy ran off without even giving me a reasonable explanation, ^sigh^ I could leave him so that he would be punished but, (I could feel myself blushing) NO ERZA SNAP OUT OF IT!

I sighed and looked at (Y/N)'s desk, on it was a slip of paper containing his address and phone number.

Erza: Oh, Lucy

I smiled then stood up, before leaving I picked up an extra copy of the homework and headed to (Y/N)'s house.

Time Skip 5 minutes later...

Erza: Ugh, why is his house so hard to find, my GPS isn't working either, hmm... 777 phantom dr, oh! Its right there, how could I have been so blind.

I walked toward the street and turned the corner, it was only two houses down, so it wasn't that far, I walked to the door and knocked, I waited patiently for about 2 minutes before the door opened, a girl about 5,6 with brown hair starred at me before speaking.

Natsume: Hello, who are you?
Erza: Um, I'm a friend of your brother I ju...
Natsume: oh ok, give me a minute.

The girl slammed the door causing me to jump back a bit, but soon after the door reopened.

Natsume: Come on in, he'll be out in a few minutes.
Erza: I really shouldn't.
Natsume: nonsense come on, take a seat, by the way, what's your name?
Erza: My name is Erza
Natsume: YOUR ERZA! OMG!! ^squealing^
Erza: Did I do something?
Natsume: No, it's just...

Just then I heard a yawn and footsteps on the stairs.

(Y/N): Natsume keep it down! And who's at the door?

Just then I see a half naked (Y/N) coming down the stairs, my eyes widen and my cheeks become unbelievably red.


I looked at him, his abs and his dreamy (S/C) skin was too much to look at.

(Y/N): Why, your the only one... (He started to blush) Oh god! NATSUME WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SHE WAS IN HERE!

(Y/N) ran back up stairs and stayed there for about 15 minutes (not that I was counting or anything).


(Y/N): ^sigh^ why did she invite her inside, I was planning on hiding behind the door.

I took a quick shower to clear my mind, then I slipped on a white t-shirt and some black shorts and headed downstairs.

(Y/N): Hey, Erza what are you doing here?
Erza: I came to give you your homework.
(Y/N): oh, I thought Lucy was gonna do that, thanks though.
Erza: Ya, no problem, should be going now.
(Y/N): Ok, I can walk you home if you would like.
Natsume: WAIT! Erza why don't you have dinner here with us, we have cake.

Oh, god Natsume what are you thinking, why did I have to tell you that I liked her (And that she liked cake).

Erza: Oh, well I can't pass up on a free meal, I think I will stay, thank you Natsume, that's very kind of you to invite me.
(Y/N): Yup, she's just an angel (I said with gritted teeth)

Erza smiled at me and took a seat at the table while Natsume put the food on the table, who would have thought I'd get this chance, me and Erza eating together, kind of like a date.

Because Lucy couldn't bring me my homework she had Erza do it, Thank you, Lucy.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, thanks again.

Erza X Reader (Male) ❤️ - The Love of my Life - ❤️ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now