It's Official

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Erza left my room, after she got up, by the direction she was headed it looked as if she was going to Natsume's room, (I mean there's nothing wrong with that, I just wish she would've stayed with me) ^sigh^

(Y/N): Hey Natsume, have you seen my Fairy Tail shirt.
Natsume: No, and your supposed to be wearing your uniform, not whatever you want.
(Y/N): Buzzkill, fine

I dressed myself in my uniform, I fixed my belt and tied my tie, (So much work for school uniform, at least the uniform's aren't tuxedo's anymore though) thank god.

Erza: Natsume can you please get me the brush.
Natsume: ya, just give me a minute

The brush was in the bathroom, I decided that since I was done I would help her out, I headed to the bathroom and opened the door.

(Y/N): Natsume must be taking a shower

I checked the cabinets for the brush, but it was nowhere to be found, I was pacing around the bathroom.

(Y/N): I was the last person to have the brush, so where did I put it.

Just then I slipped on a puddle of water, and fell back, I crashed into the shower curtain and ended up in the tub, and instead of getting slapped by Natsume I ended up being right below a entirely naked Erza.

(Y/N):Shit! How many times is this gonna happen!(I was obviously blushing)
Erza: (Y/N)! Why are you in here!
(Y/N):I swear it was an accident, please forgive me.
Erza: ^sigh^ your Uniform is all wet (Y/N)

Erza's pulled me up, I was resting on her naked body, and I felt my nose start to bleed.

(Y/N): Oh wow
Erza:^Blush^ H-Hey, my eyes are up here
(Y/N):oh, sorry
Erza: Come on get out and if you don't mind, hand me a towel
(Y/N):ya, no problem

I was soaking wet but I ignored that fact and I retrieved a towel from the bathroom cab it and handed it to Erza.

Erza: Thank you
(Y/N): yup
Erza: Now, (Y/N) go change
(Y/N): yup

I headed to my room and dressed myself in the closet thing to my Uniform, I re-brushed my hair and gelled it. Ready to go again (but Erza never got the brush)

Erza: Hey, (Y/N) I left my clothes in your room, can you get them for me?
(Y/N): Ya, sure

I picked up the red blazer and gray skirt of the floor and stuck my hand threw the available crack in the door.

Erza: Thank you (Y/N)
(Y/N): No problem

I headed downstairs for breakfast, Natsume and Erza where already there enjoying eggs and bacon, I grabbed a plate and served myself.

(Y/N): Erza? What exactly did I miss yesterday
Erza: A lesson on the history of fish
(Y/N): So nothing important
Erza: everything that is taught is important, don't underestimate Happy Sensei
(Y/N): ya ok, I'll take your word for it^ laughs^

After breakfast I washed the dishes and me and Erza headed to school, The trip seemed shorter when I was with her, just the two of us

Erza: So, (Y/N) I took the liberty of calling in sick for you, so that you wouldn't be punished
(Y/N): wow! Thanks Erza
Erza: Your welcome

Erza was trying her best to be in student council president mode, I could tell, but even so, she was blushing, I'm so glad we feel the same way towards each other, I want this to be a real relationship.

(Y/N): Hey, Erza, I wanted to ask you if we can make this thing official
Erza: ^blush^ w-what do you mean

I leaned in close to Erza and grabbed her shoulders

(Y/N): US, you said you felt the same way that I feel about you, and I want this to be a relation, I know your busy with student council and all but can we please give it a try.

I looked at Erza and prepared for the worst

Erza: I would love to make things official.

I was so happy, I lifted her up in the air and spun her, she laughed and I smiled, I set her down and we leaned in for a kiss, I tilted her back and made my kiss deeper. (Yup, and in public too).

Erza X Reader (Male) ❤️ - The Love of my Life - ❤️ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now