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???: OMG what time is it!
(Y/N): It's 8:15
???: Oh um thanks, sorry I was acting so awkward I just haven't seen you around. Are you new?
(Y/N): Ya, my name is (Y/N), I'm a second year, I transferred from Pegasi High. Do you mind telling me what your name is?
???: Ya no problem (Y/N), my name's Lucy Heartfilia I'm also the second year, nice to meet you.
(Y/N): Nice to meet you, Lucy.

Lucy and I sat in silence for a few seconds before she spoke up.

Lucy: Do you need help finding your homeroom, maybe I can help.
(Y/N): Ya, that would be great thanks, my room is B21
Lucy: ^Gasp^ Oh my gosh, we have the same homeroom cool!

I starred at Lucy as she got excited about the fact that we shared a homeroom, she's a funny girl.

Lucy: Hey wait, (Y/N) what time did you say it was?
(Y/N): It was 8:15 now it's 8:20, WAIT!

Lucy grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hall and up two flights of stairs, jeez this chick is crazy but I can't deny she's fun too, I would consider her my first friend, that's a pretty good start I would say.

^Ding Ding Ding^
Lucy: ^Sigh^ oh great we made it.

Me and Lucy entered the classroom, Lucy took a seat by the window and made a gesture to the seat behind her, I walked over, sat down and propped my feet up on the desk, Lucy quickly threw my feet down and looked at me in a way that said "don't do that stupid", I sighed and slouched in my chair, as I watched Lucy pull out a book, I was curious to what she reading so I leaned in and looked over her shoulder.

(Y/N): Hey, Lucy watcha reading?
Lucy: Um, It's called a Fairy and Knight I picked it up this morning from the Library.
(Y/N): Cool..., What's it about?

Lucy gave a slight giggle and then responded.

Lucy: What's with all the questions?
(Y/N): Nothin, I'm just curious, and you know while we're on the topic of curiosity, I was wondering why the teacher isn't here yet.

Lucy suddenly stood up and turned to face me.

Lucy: You know you're right, where is he!?
I stared at her with wide eyes as she sighed and sat back down.
Lucy: Sorry, I'm just not that used to meeting new people on the very first day of school, especially boys.

She looked down at her desk, I could swear she was blushing.

(Y/N): Well Lucy, I'm glad I met you today, I'm actually pretty glad I have a friend like you, cause frankly, I thought this year was gonna suck, me being at a new school and all.
Lucy: Ya, it can be scary, but we have a great staff here and not to mention our awesome student council team, they run pretty much everything around here, and they do a great job too.
(Y/N): Ya, the campus looks great, do you know anyone in the student council?
Lucy: Only a few people...

Just as Lucy was about to finish her sentence the teacher walked in, Lucy quickly turned around and I looked up at the chalkboard,
waiting for the teacher to speak.

???: Hello Class, My name is Happy Sensei and I'm a CAT!

I looked up at him puzzled, who in their right mind would hire a cat to be a teacher!? Lucy looked back at me and smiled, she could probably tell that I was surprised and she was right.

Happy Sensei: I am so happy to be here, and I hope you are all happy to be here too before we begin I will call up each student and they will share their name and something they like. Starting us off is... Lucy Heartfilia.

Lucy looked nervous as she walked to the front of the classroom, but when she started to speak and she seemed less nervous then I thought she was.

Lucy: Hi, my name is Lucy Heartfilia, um... I'm into books and hanging out with my friends.

I clapped along with the class as Lucy made her way back to her seat.

Happy Sensei: let's see... fish, fish, fish oh, wait this is my grocery list, sorry ok next on the list is Juvia Locksar

A girl with blue hair walks up to the front, she looked pretty peppy and excited to be here, she stood tall and firm with her hands hanging in front of her, she seemed to not be able to contain so I got curious about what she was gonna say.

Juvia Locksar: Hello, I am Juvia Locksar I am so excited to be in this class especially since my Gray-sama is here.

The girl blushed then yelled across the room "I LOVE YOU GRAY-SAMA" as I looked behind me I heard a boy with black hair say "CUT IT OUT JUVIA!"
Juvia then returned to her seat while some of the class greeted her on her way there.
Happy Sensei: Well, wasn't that weird, ok next is Natsu Dragneel.
Lucy and I turn to face the back of the classroom where a pink haired boy was snoring
very loudly.

Happy Sensei: UGH! Jeez, this happened all last year!

Happy Sensei walked over to the boy's desk, and struggled to climb up, once he was up he hit the boy with the ruler in his hand, yelling "NATSU WAKE UP!" the boy jumped up and sent Happy Sensei flying across the classroom.
I looked back at Lucy with a startled look on my face, all she did was give me an awkward smile and whispered to me " that's one reason I wouldn't prop my feet up on my desk." I gave her a guilty look and looked back toward the chalkboard where the boy was now standing.

Natsu Dragneel: Hey guys, My name is Natsu Dragneel I like food, and setting things on fire.

"Ya, to sum it all up he's just a big pyro!" I turn to see who said that, and it turned out it was just the black haired boy again, I turned to Lucy and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.

(Y/N): Hey Lucy, do those two get along?
Lucy: ^sigh^ not to save there lives, they go back and forth arguing all the time, it gets old after a while.

I laugh and turn to the look at the board where the two boys are having an argument, (wow, Lucy was right) Happy Sensei walked up to the board while rubbing his head.

Happy Sensei: Ok, I'm done for today we are going to start today's class after I introduce one more person, the class rep. Erza Scarlet to the front, please.

I hope you guys liked this chapter It took me a while to finish it, so again thanks for reading. The next chapter is when you meet Erza, hope y'all enjoy it.

Erza X Reader (Male) ❤️ - The Love of my Life - ❤️ (On Hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat