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It's been about a year since Me and Erza made our relationship official, and school ended a few weeks ago so I decided I would surprise her with a fun vacation.

(Y/N): ^Knock Knock^ Hey Erza you there?

I heard a yawn come from behind the door, and a few seconds later I saw a sleepy Erza peeking her head from behind the door.

Erza: (Y/N) what are you doing here so early?!
(Y/N): Good-morning to you too Erza.

I placed a kiss on her lips as I pushed her further into her apartment .

Erza: (between breaths) (Y/N).. What are.. you doing... here?

She pushed me back and I laughed as I dragged her down on the couch with me.

(Y/N): What I can't pay a visit to my Girlfriend? ^chuckle^
Erza: you can, you didn't give me a heads up though.
(Y/N): mmm, I don't remember you asking me to give you a heads up before I come over.

I stroked Erza's hair as she lay on top of me, I looked into her eyes and pulled her into another kiss.

Erza: (Y/N)! Shh, Lu..
(Y/N): Come on Erza, I have a surprise for you
Erza: what do you mean? You know what, that's not important right now, (Y/N) Lucy's here!

I rolled off the couch and Erza stood above me, her attention was turned to the the open bedroom door by the kitchen.

Lucy: Hey, don't stop because of me.
(Y/N): Shit! Shit! Shit!
Erza: Oh, God.
Lucy: Oh, well I guess not, anyway (Y/N) why are you here?
(Y/N): Why are you here?!

My face was red with the guilt of almost stripping Erza of her virginity in front of Lucy, I was rolling around on the floor trying to make sense of the situation.

Erza: CALM DOWN BOTH OF YOU! Me and Lucy had a sleep over last night, now what I want to know is why you came here without explanation and why your boyhood almost escaped from its cage!

I could hear Lucy snickering I sighed and relaxed my body.

Erza: Well!

Just as I was about to respond she grabbed my collar and picked me up off the floor.

Erza: (Y/N) SPILL IT!
(Y/N): I was just going to! Please don't hurt me Erza I'm sorry.
Erza: ^sigh^ I wasn't planning on it, but I do want to know what's up.
(Y/N): Well the thing is, I have two tickets to this thing and I wanted to know if you would like to go.
Erza: What thing?
(Y/N): It's a surprise.
Erza: (Y/N)!
Lucy: Erza calm down, he's trying to treat you, go and have a good time.
Erza: But Lucy!
Lucy: You need to chill I know you still have to prepare things for next year, but seriously this is summer break go have fun with the boy that you love.

Erza faces me and I awkwardly smiled.

(Y/N): I promise you'll have fun Erza, please come with me.
Erza: ^sigh^ I guess Lucy is right. Very well then I'll go.
(Y/N): YES! Ok Erza get packed I'll be back in a hour bye!

I placed a kiss on her and headed out, I could already tell she was in shock, but that's what surprises are all about.

Erza: (Y/N)! What do I pack!



Erza: He has some nerve walking out on me like that, he didn't even give me any specifics on what to bring, like do I need a swimsuit? Or maybe I need winter clothes, shorts or jeans? How can I prepare if I don't know what I need?WELL LUCY!
Lucy: Well... It's not like I know either, I would just pack my everyday clothing and improvise when I get there.
Erza: Yes, but what if we go somewhere cold?
Lucy: Then pack a jacket. Oh, and knowing
(Y/N) he's probably gonna take you somewhere nice so pack some dress clothes.
Erza: Well I guess there's nothing wrong with overpacking.
Lucy: Well I mean you shouldn't pack to much.
Erza: It'll be fine I'll pack the essentials and maybe some extra things.
Lucy: Erza you only have an hour so you might wanna hurry up.
Erza: Oh, right!
Lucy: Ok, well I'm gonna leave, have fun ok, he really loves you so enjoy every bit of it.
Erza: I will thank you Lucy, bye.
Lucy: Bye.

Lucy headed out the door smiling, and I headed to my room, I made motion to my watch and noticed that I had little under 30 minutes left to pack.

Erza: Well here we go.


After leaving Erza's house I headed home and packed, I grabbed the swimsuit Erza kept at my place because since I didn't give her detail she probably wasn't gonna bring one, I packed it in my bag and watched TV while the hours went by.

(Y/N): ^ring^ Erza I'm here, open up.

I heard a door slam and crashing noises coming from the inside of Erza's apartment, before the door opened.

Erza: Oh, good your here! Iv'e been going crazy.
(Y/N): huh?

Before I knew it I was dragged inside her abode and thrown on her bed.

(Y/N): Hey, what are you stressed about?
Erza: you left without giving me any idea of what to bring, so I packed my everyday clothes and bathroom necessities, but other than that I packed almost my whole wardrobe!
(Y/N): ^laughs^ I love you.
Erza: What?! Come on help me!
(Y/N): ok, first of all, your everyday clothes are enough, get rid of everything else, except for the purple dress and those nice heels, and the nice night gown I bought you and one extra pair of pajamas, and other than that that's all the clothes you need, other than well your undies and bras.

I held up a pair of her underwear, and she blushed and tried to snatch them away from me, instead, I lead her into chasing me around her room.

Erza: (Y/N) Give them back, it's not funny.
(Y/N): First, tell me the time
Erza: It's 12:30
(Y/N): shit!
Erza: What?

I stopped running, and threw Erza's underwear in her suitcase, I zipped it up and grabbed Erza's arm.

(Y/N): we're gonna be late, come on.
Erza: Why didn't you tell me about this trip earlier?
(Y/N): no time for talking, just get in the car and I'll explain it on the way.
Erza: (Y/N) I need to lock the door
(Y/N): no, we need to go, ask Lucy to do it
Erza: Ok, then

I let go of Erza, popped the trunk and threw the luggage in, (we were gonna be late, shit!)

(Y/N): Erza! Take the keys and start the car!
Erza: ok

I threw the keys to Erza and shut the trunk, once the car was started I hopped in the front seat and took off.

Please leave stars and comments, I hope you guys like this chapter.

Erza X Reader (Male) ❤️ - The Love of my Life - ❤️ (On Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora