Pity Party

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Isn't it sad
When you aren't even up
To having your birthday
Or even enjoying it

But it's already all planned
And then you see everyone there
Everyone so happy for you

In a space filled with people
You have to try to force yourself
To look happy
When you feel the most pain
The most alone

You wishing you were
Dead this year
But you found you were cursed
To live another year instead

It kills you
To see everyone happy for you
Because they don't have
Any fucking clue
Of how your feeling
At your own birthday party

You just want to sit up in your room
All party long
But it was so planned out
And so thought out
You can't be rude
To your party guests

Birthday parties
Where you feel all alone
Are the worst

Especially when you have
Everyone there
Except for the one you love

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