First Time

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Your first time
You thought it was special
At the time...

You thought it was special
Because you loved each other
Or didn't he?

But it's been a year and
You now know

It wasn't anything special
At all

It wasn't the first time
You should've had.

He desperately wanted it
And you let him push you to it
Because you thought
That's what couples do
When they love each other

But no,
It was just for him
Because if it was for you guys
And you,
He would've waited
And given it plenty of time

Every time he saw you
He wouldn't have just made it
Only about sex

He wouldn't have wanted
To cheat on you
Just for sex

So no
Now you know
Your first time
Wasn't special at all

You were robbed
Of your virginity
And you wish you could've saved it
For someone who deserved it.

Youthful StrugglesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang