Kicked Out Explained

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I've been kicked out of my house multiple times.

And during so, I've had days where I'd panic with anxiety, stressing that I'd have nowhere to stay that night.

Or I'd think,"Okay I have tonight and tomorrow here. But what the hell am I going to do on Tuesday? And the days after that? Shit."

I've never had to sleep on the streets. God's always provided for me. Or just made me end up back at home.

But I know there's lots of other teens that spend months couch surfing and go some days on the streets or in allies.

You run out or money and it's scary.

How are you going to eat, how are you going to pay your phone bill?

Some people have the luxury of their parents letting them keep their car so they can sleep in their cars. But what will they do when they run out of gas?

They have to get a job, if they don't have a job.

But then they've spent hours applying to over 30 places and they never get a call back.

Others are lucky if they have a job.

But what if they have no transportation to the job?

Some kids still have to go to school. But oh wait, no clean clothes. No shower?

Being a homeless teen is just very inconvenient.

Not to mention, unsafe? Very.

If any of you are homeless, please know there's hope. You can apply for scholarships, find a shelter, find God, go to a church. It sounds crazy but if you're homeless, I'm positive at least ONE person there will help you get on your feet.

You just have to explain your story.

Be safe, loves💕

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