Chapter 2: Murphy

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It had been a boring day, especially because all they wanted to do was leave for summer. The only eventful thing that happened that day is Mr. Richards, Harry's econ teacher, had dabbed and asked the class if he was cool now. Harry mentioned this to Alex at lunch and she went on about how Mr. Richards "hit a new low point". The two walked to math class together and sat down in their desks that were "coincidentally next to each other". They both loved having a class together where they got to pick their own seats. As they were discussing the groundbreakingly important subject of how to pronounce the word "banana", a large boy walked up and shoved Harry out of his chair. Alex immediately got up to help Harry up. She then got in the boy's face.

"What the fuck Murphy? On the last day? Do you know no restraint you stupid prick?" she yelled.

Murphy stood there laughing. He said, "I don't care that it's the last day. I just want this runt to get what he deserves. He gets all this special treatment just because-"

"Because I'm not a douchebag who takes people for granted like you?" Harry interrupted.

"Fuck off" Murphy said, punching Harry in the gut. Harry fell back on the floor.

"Murphy I'm sick of you always bugging Harry. He never did anything to you! It's the last fucking day. Can you please explain to us why you're always such a douchebag to him?" Alex asked, evidently and understandably pissed off.

"Because Alex. He gets so much special treatment. He doesn't deserve it. He's worthless and he's lower than dirt! He's going to grow up and spend all his time in a bar because that's what happens to dumbasses like him." Murphy said coldly.

Alex was ready to punch Murphy when Harry said from the floor, "Alex please don't. I promise it's not worth it."

She scowled and helped Harry up. She then shot a glare at Murphy who was still snickering. "For god's sake you're childish. Let's just go Harry. The bell is going to ring in a minute anyways." 

Murphy watched the walk away and yelled, "Yeah you'd better run you pussy. What kind of pathetic man needs his girlfriend to stick up for him?"

HealingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora