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I missed a step
I messed up,
you left me,
but I didn't give up.

While you were prasied,
I was stuck in the dark.
While you continued to ace,
My target continued to move from its mark.

I was left in the dust,
concealing what history you left for us.
ones too embarrassing to reveal,
that you used me, to get past ur rival.

I held steady,
instead of falling,
I bit out what's left.
The truth has a way to surface,
No matter how long it lies.

Far into sucess, you glanced back.
Seeing your history, crawling up your back
You freaked out, tried to get away,
didn't want to lose any spotlight today.

I had no intentions for revenge,
Though my friends did avenge.
Seeing my tears withhold no stop,
they vowed to upraise the truth,
no matter how tough.

Though I hated to see you fall,
I couldn't help my tears,
of happiness and all.

Though revenge is never the answer,
Consequences never fail.

A Drop of Silenceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن