chapter eleven

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Clara and Peggy arrived at the bar where everybody was celebrating the victory. Clara was extremely nervous. Peggy practically dragged her out of the camp.

Peggy went on ahead while Clara stood outside to do very last minute touch-ups.

If you thought Peggy got looks when she walked in.. Everything stopped when Clara walked in. Her head stayed down, but all the men stood up out of respect and stared at the beauty walking through the bar. Clara looked up when she saw Peggy's red dress and ended up meeting Bucky's eyes. She visibly gulped.

Their eyes locked and suddenly, it's like they weren't even there anymore. Bucky and Clara were in their own place.

"Wow.." Bucky trailed off, a shocked smile hidden in his features. Clara blushed.

"It's nothing. Peggy made me put it on," Clara told him. Bucky shook his head, trying to find a grip but couldn't.

"Clara you look.. gorgeous," Bucky complimented, taking Clara's hand to bring her over to the bar to sit.

"Nonsense James, i could never," Clara insisted. Bucky chuckled, squeezing Clara's hand.

"You look beautiful every day, darling." Those words could make a woman melt. In fact, Clara was almost sure she did. Clara smiled softly, once more meeting his eyes. They weren't as bright as they used to be. Bucky seemed the same, but his piercing blue eyes lost their innocence.

"Doll, what's wrong?" Bucky asked, leaning in closer to hear her better. It was getting quite loud in there.

"I missed you so much, James," The words flowed out. Clara didn't even realize she said them. Bucky smiled sadly.

"I can't imagine what it was like out there. I was worried sick since the day you left. Everyday I looked at this key and wondered where you were, what you were doing, if you were even alive. The last letter you sent me, it scared the hell out of me," Clara said, tears already building in her eyes. "James, I can't imagine what I would've done if you left. You're my whole heart, my everything. I can't do this without you."

Bucky sucked in a deep breath. He knew it was the right time. He just had to say those three words.

"I love you," He blurted out. Clara's eyes widening. "More than anything. I knew the day I met you that I would fall in love with you. When I gave you that key, I was promising you that I would always be there, that I would give you a home. But I got it all wrong Clara, you're my home." Clara smiled brightly, pulling Bucky into a hug.

"I love you, more than anything," She whispered.

And right then, it all felt right. There was nothing between, nobody. But something was off, Clara felt something in her chest that was trying to warn her. Yet, she ignored it.

The scent Bucky held was one Clara could recognize anywhere. The scent of protection and safety. The scent of love and emotion. The scent of caring and devotion.

Clara never wanted to let go.

But she did.

"Don't ever leave me again," She whispered. Bucky knew she needed to hear him say it. He knew she needed him to promise.

But he didn't want to promise what he couldn't keep.

But he did.

"I promise you I won't leave."


These last chapters are gonna be short. The book is coming to and end and I want the last chapter to be a long one. But I'm not creative so I'm saving all the good shit for the last chapter.

One more left.

Are ya ready kids?

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