chapter two

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On the way to Bucky's, Clara was racking her mind for some way of telling the boys why she was there. If she were to say she was a time traveler, they would say she was mad.

By the time they got to Bucky's apartment, she had no clue.

"So, where are you from?" Bucky asked as Clara began to clean Steve's wounds.

"Blackpool, England," Clara answered. Steve winced slightly as Clara dabbed the wound.

"I can't thank you enough for this," Steve told the girl. Clara gave him a charming smile.

"You already have." She finished cleaning him up and began to collect herself, getting ready to leave.

"Let me walk you home," Bucky insisted Clara shook her head, quickly.

"No, no. I can walk there by myself," She told him. Bucky squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"Where are you staying? I'll walk you home. Brooklyn isn't the best place at night," He said. Clara bit the inside of her cheek as she tried to think of a place in Brooklyn, but then realized her couldn't. She had never been to Brooklyn before.

"Well, that's the thing. I don't exactly have a place. I just got here today and haven't really looked for a place yet..." Clara admitted. Her cheeks heated up when she realized how stupid she sounded.

"You don't have a place to stay?!" Steve exclaimed. Clara shook her head and looked away.

"Well, we cant have a beautiful dame like you living out on the streets alone," Bucky started. Clara looked up with a mildly offended expression. "You can stay with me," The brunette boy finished. Clara smiled softly and shook her head.

"I couldn't intrude, James," Clara insisted. I'm truth, Clara saw Bucky as a boy she would fall for, and falling for her mission wasn't allowed. Staying with him would only make her feelings bloom.

"I insist. Besides, you saved my best friend's ass. It's the least I could do," Bucky told her, taking her jacket she had picked up out of her hands.

"Only for a bit," Clara gave him. Bucky smirked at her, one that could make a girl melt.

"Oh Ridgewell, you'll want to stay longer than that."

Eventually, Steve went to his room (let's pretend alrighty) leaving Clara and Bucky alone. Clara stood over by the entry way as Bucky cleaned up the supplies Clara used to clean up Steve.

Time traveling took a lot out of Clara, and then there was that fight with the man in the alley. Clara hadn't noticed she zoned out until she found Bucky staring at her worriedly.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked. Clara just yawned slightly and nodded, "I'm exhausted. Long day. Kicking people's asses takes a lot out of me," She joked. Bucky smiled softly and walked out of the room. Clara took a chance to look around.

The apartment was quite small, but had a homey feel to the place. Pictures of Steve and Bucky hung on the walls, along with Bucky and some people Clara didn't know. He wore his boyish smirk in all of them. His eyes had a bright look to them, one The Winter Soldier didn't have. It nearly broke Clara's heart.

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