chapter five

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About a year had passed since Clara arrived in the nineteen forties. Almost every bit of Clara's past up until the day she arrived was gone from her memory. She only remembered little things: He favorite color, she was a time traveler, her favorite song, which side of her face she preferred over others.

Bucky had gone off for two weeks to a training camp for the army. Clara tried to convince him not to go, but he was very persistent.

It was the night of Howard's expo and Clara was announcing him. To say she was nervous was an understatement. She only had a simple line, but the thought of being on that stage scared the hell out of her.

Clara stood backstage in a red dress that flowed a bit down to her knees. It was probably one of the most forties' thing she had ever worn. Clara painted on a layer of tee lipstick and walked out. There was a few minutes before Howard's expo started so she wanted to grab a drink.

Clara was walking across the floor to the bar when she spotted a familiar brunette in the corner of her eye. Her face brightened and she smiled as she started over to him, only to stop when she saw he was with another girl. Clara's mood dropped and she suddenly felt like she needed more than one drink. Clara turned around and headed back for the bar.

"Two of your strongest, please," She asked. The man stared at her in awe before she gave him a look and he poured her two glasses of whiskey. She placed down a few coins and picked up her drinks, walking away. She passed by Bucky, ignoring him when he called her name. Clara didn't know why, but she felt angry and betrayed when she saw him with another girl. They weren't even together and Clara was hurt. Clara downed one of her drinks and placed in on a random table before downing the other one and placing it beside it. She winced slightly as the alcohol burned her throat.

"Clara!" Clara turned around and saw Bucky running up to her with a grin. "You couldn't hear me?" He asked her.

"Sorry, I though you were still distracted by your date. If you'll excuse me, I have to go. The show is starting soon," Clara said angrily and turned to walk away. Bucky grabbed her arm and turned her around, his gaze more confused now. "Are you angry with me?" Clara scoffed.

"You figure it out." Clara stormed off, leaving Bucky with a hurt expression.

Clara walked onto the stage with a bright smile as she trailed behind the showgirls. She stopped in front and raised her mic to her lips. "And now, Ladies and gentlemen, Howard Stark!" She announced. Cheering erupted from the crowd as Howard walked on stage. He gave Clara a side hug and the two locked eyes. Clara's eyes flickered to Howard's lips quickly before looking back up at him. Howard got the message and leaned in. The two's lips locked quickly before they pulled back with smiles. Clara handed Howard the mic and strutted away as Howard watched her go, slowly wiping her lipstick from her mouth with his handkerchief.

Clara walked backstage, not listening to whatever Howard was saying and internally panicked. She had kissed Howard Stark. Howard Stark has kissed her. Clara was so confused because she liked it. She felt something when their lips touched.

Clara ran a hand through her hair and walked back over to the bar.

"Back again?" The bartender asked.

"Same as last time. Actually, make it three." The man gave her a toothy grin and poured his drinks. She felt somebody move into the stool next to her and sigh deeply. She recognized his scent; Pine and mint.

"What do you want, James?" She asked as the bartender laid her drinks in front of her.

"You kissed him." Clara could hear the anger in his voice. Clara downed one of her drinks. "Really? You figure that one out on your own."

"Quit the bullshit, Clara!" Bucky yelled, making Clara jump. She turned to him and saw his eyes slightly red and puffy.

"Have you been crying? James what's the matter?" Clara asked as she pulled him to the side. Bucky shrugged her arm off and gave her a hurt and angry look.

"I can't believe you. You-you just- you kissed him!" Clara was taken back by how hurt he was over this.


"No, Clara. You don't understand! I thought- I thought we had something," He said, his voice getting softer towards the end. It was Clara's turn to get angry. "Is that why you brought a date?" She asked.

"Clara that's-"

"Not what it looks like? No it's exactly what it looks like. You aren't the only person who thought we had something," Clara told him. Bucky stares at her sadly and looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry." Clara sighed and nodded along. "Me too." Bucky looked up and the two locked eyes for a second before he pulled her into a tight hug. Clara was surprised by the action, but wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged back. The two stayed like that for a moment before pulling away.

"I'm tired, and you have to leave tomorrow. Let's go home," Clara told him. Bucky nodded and started out. "I need to tell Howard I'm leaving or he'll wonder where I've gone. I'll meet you there, okay?" Clara asked. Bucky's jaw clenched and jealousy started to rise in him, but he tipped his head at her and walked out.

Clara went backstage to find Howard and saw him talking to one of the showgirls with his regular smirk plastered on his face.

"Mr. Stark?" She asked. Howard's head turned to her with a grin and he walked over. "Hey, Clara!" He greeted. Clara smiled up at him. "I'm going home. I'm beat," She told him. Howard's smile faltered slightly but he nodded. "Have a good night, Clara." Clara kissed his cheek and skipped out.

Howard watched with a sigh as she met with her roommate, Bucky. Clara talked about him often and it was obvious feeling were present between the two. Howard didn't like the way he felt about Clara, but he couldn't help it. He could only hope that somewhere deep down she felt the same way about him.

Clara and Bucky made their way home and collapsed on the couch next to each other. Bucky put his hat down on the slid off his coat. Clara sighed and laid down facing the couch cushions. After a moments hesitation, Clara finally spoke up, "I'm sorry, Bucky." Bucky looked over at her and shook his head. "For what?"

"Kissing him. I just- I saw you with that girl and I got so angry," Clara said quietly as she turned around. Bucky looked over at her and pursed his lips.

"Scoot over." Clara moved forward as Bucky laid down behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. He pulled Clara closer and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I forgive you," He whispered. Clara grabbed his hand and wrapped his arm tighter around her as she nestled into Bucky. She closed her eyes and took in Bucky's warmth.

"Do you have to leave?" Clara asked. Bucky chuckled tiredly and nodded. "I'll come home."

"I don't want you to just come home, I want you to come back to me," Clara said sadly. She didn't want Bucky to leave, she feared it. What if he died out there?

Bucky played with Clara's fingers as he kissed her ear. "But Clara, you are my home."



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