"I will support you in any decision you make. I love you, Lenny."

"Love you too Sof."


"What?" I look around for a possible problem.

"Caroline is wasted and is draping herself all over Matt."

"Go, I can handle myself."

Sofia's POV

I race over when I see Matt give me a please help eye. He's too much of a gentleman not to help and take care of a girl when she's wasted out of her mind. Caroline is still getting over what she and Damon had and alcohol is not helping it.

"Hey, Care how are you feeling?" I move to sit next to her trying to keep her head up while Matt steadies her as she keeps wanting to slip to the floor.

"I slim...I slipped. A very nice but not handsome bartender was very kind to me tonight."

"We can see that. Here let's get some water into your system." I push Matt's water glass over to her and she takes some sips.

"Unlike the rest of the global humanverse. Are those curly fries?" Thankfully a waiter comes over.

"Coffee for the drunk girl." Matt orders. Caroline moves to lean her head on my shoulder while I stroke her hair. I only pray she doesn't puke on me like she did one time.

"Am I shallow?" She looks up to me and then to Matt.

"Is that a trick question?' I smack Matt's shoulder.

"I don't mean to be. I wanna be deep. I wanna be, like the abyss deep."

"No offense Caroline, but deep's really not your scene."

"Matt!" I scold.

"No, it's true Sof. I'm shallow. I'm worse than shallow. I'm a kiddie pool." I pull her into a hug trying to calm her down.

"Caroline. You're not that shallow. You have a heart of gold. You're one of our best friends."

"But I'm a complete bitch."

"No, you have bitchy moments but don't we all." She smiles but it quickly fades.

"Can you take me home?" She looks sadly into my eyes. I look to Matt who nods.

"We'll take you home Caroline." Matt says as we move out of our table. I try to steady Caroline when she gets up but she keeps falling. Thankfully Matt takes the initiative to scoop her up making it easier on both of us. He hands me the keys to his truck and we make our way out.

We stop dead in our tracks as we see police squad cars outside the Grill and Caroline's mom with her back to us. She runs over to us when she sees us with Caroline.

"What happened? Is she ok?" She asks Matt and me.

"Like you care." Caroline slurs and I want to facepalm myself. Getting caught by a parent drunk when you're underage is never a fun moment.

"She's drunk?" Sherriff Forbes scolds us.

"As a skunk."

"Are they serving you in there?"

"We were going to take her home. I'll stay with her all night just to make sure she doesn't hurt herself." I offer and Sherriff Forbes smiles.

"Thank you, Sofia. I would appreciate that. You know where the extra blankets are."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'll drive them both to your house. I haven't been drinking."

"I would appreciate that Matt. Thank you. You and I will discuss this later."

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