Chapter 16: HICCUP!

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A cloaked buffed man dashed through the forest of Berk, the hood over his head so that only his glowing hazle eyes can be seen. His breath was quick and shallow as he ran with his master's prisoner over his shoulder, unconscious and injured.
Another guard had already taken the Night Fury to the ships, so that left him alone.

"HICCUP!!" Stoick called, as he dashed after the man taking his son away.
Gobber was the one who had found the intruder lurking through the quiet village, under the shadows. The blacksmith had scared him away, leaving the chief to go after him.
The Viking's eyes were wide in both fury and terror, afraid of what would happen to his son.
"H-HICCUP!"He called.
He soon caught up to them as soon as they reached the beach, but he stopped dead.
Two strangers were beside a small boat, one pulling a desperate chained up Night Fury who had a muzzle over his snout, and the other was holding a bearly conscious Hiccup up to his foot.
The cloaked stranger was holding a dagger to his throat, glaring at the chief with his cold hazle eyes.
"One move...and your boy gets it." He growled.
Stoick put his hands up, and took a step slowly, a bit closer to the scene.
"Nah-ah!" The man yelled, pulling the blade closer to the heirs throat, causing a yelp to come out of the boy.
"D-D-Dad!" Hiccup groaned, opening his pale green eyes bearly, to get a glimps at his desperate looking father.
"It's alright, Hiccup!" Stoick called, taking one step back.
Toothless croaked as he stared at the chief, his eyes in scared slits.
He knew these men.
He didn't wanna go back...
He didn't.
He couldn't!
He knew what would happen if they went back.

"D-Dad-- Dad please help, p-please help me- I-I-Im so scared Dad, help-"
Stoick felt like his heart was slowly breaking as he heard the terrified tone of his son's voice.
The boy was going through too much right now.
He still has his infections from his scars, his leg just got cut off and was fighting back infections, he had a high fever and to top it off-site now he was hyperventilating!
He was under too much stress.
The chief narrowed his eyes, as he slowly landed his hand on to the handle of his axe.
"Let go of my son..."
The stranger smirked.
"How about this. You leave us alone, your son lives. You try and kill me or my guy? I'll kill off this worthless piece of-"
"Where are you taking Hiccup..."
"To master Ansgar, of course." The other man piped up.
"He has some... unfinished business to deal with, with him." The cloaked man sneered.
Stoick's heart skipped a beat at the enemy's name, and he swiftly took out his axe.
"You're not going anywhere with my son."
At this, the man sliced the dagger depper into the boys neck, causing a thin red line of blood to show.
"Ahh! Dad!!" Hiccup croaked.
"Stay right there Son!"
Suddenly Hiccup stared for a second before a small smirk had managed to show, "Y-Yeah 'coz I can actually go anywhere in this position..." He muttered. At this Stoick smiled bearly at his son's old sarcasm, before locking eyes with the man.
"Now I'm going to say this once, or so help me! Unhand Hiccup."

The stranger glanced back from the chief to the axe before huffing, and carelessly letting the boy collapsed onto the sand. After he caught his breath, the boy ran towards his father, and they both hugged lovingly.
Stoick let out a huge breath.
"Oh s-son I'm so glad you're alright." He said, a small tear rolling down his cheek. Hiccup smiled before-
Suddenly a chain wrapped itself around the boy's neck, and he gasped for air before he was yanked back and dragged towards the two men.
"Times up Chief! Wouldn't want old Ansgar waiting now do we?!" The cloaked man said from the sailing boat, as he pulled Hiccup roughly up onto the boat.
Stoick's eyes widened, and he started running after the boat that was sailing away from shore.
Once again, a dagger met his skin, except this time it was directly over his heart.
Stoick stopped dead in his tracks, breathing hard.

The large viking collapsed down onto his knees. All he could do now, was watch the small boat carry his son away to a larger boat that was a distance away...

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