Chapter 11: To Helheim's Gate!

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5 years ago....

"Sorry...Dad." a fifteen year old Hiccup mumbled, as a giant wheel rolled down the docks and into the seas of Berk.
Stoick scowled in pity, embarrassment, and anger at the guilty looking boy in front of him.
Hiccup peaking up at him under his bangs, "But at least I hit a Night Fury-Woah!"
Stoick grabbed hold of his arm, and began pulling him away back towards the house.
"-It-Its not like last time Dad, I mean I really actually hit it!"
Stoick began cursing under his breath as a crowd was forming.
"-It went down, just over Ravens point, let's get a search party out there and-"
Hiccup froze, and stared up at his father with wide eyes.
"Just stop. Everytime you step outside-disaster follows! Can't you see I have bigger problems- winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed!"
The young heir glanced around wearily.
"Between me and you, I'd say they could do with a bit of less feeding, don't you think?" Vikings took this as offensive, and began mumbling to each other.

Stoick shook his head, waving his arms in the air," This isn't a joke, Hiccup!" He sighed in frustration, "Why can't you just follow the simplest of orders!?"
"I can't help myself! I see a dragon, and I have to just...kill it- you know? It's who I am dad!" Hiccup rambled.
The chief laid a hand on his forehead, "Oh son,you are many...many things- but a dragon killer? Not one if them. Now get back to the house. I don't want any other disaster to happen. And don't forget the I remember that you almost caused a families death. Gobber? Make sure he gets there!"

Hiccup lowered his head in guilt as he felt his boss whack him on the side of his head, signaling him to get moving.


Stoick paced the small room, Hiccup watching his every move.
The good news was that he understood what they were facing.
But the bad news was, that he wasn't taking it all so well.

"How big was this thing, again?" The chief asked, rubbing his beared as he looked up at his son.
"Uhm...I'd say about as big as a whole island. I couldn't believe it myself, so I wouldn't be surprised that you don't believe me." The rider said under his breath, stroking his dragon's scales.
Stoick shot him a look.
"No I believe you, son. Im just having a hard time believing that we can win this....I want these raids to end-"
"And I want the dragons free."

The Viking nodded, as he sat down on the opposite side of the table drinking  his mug of Mead, and slamming it down on the wooden surface of the table.
They were in the Haddock household, and have been discussing the whole 'Red Death's problem, as Hiccup had so happily named, and were planning on how to attack it, and kill it off.
But hope was slowly draining from the Hooligan tribes Chief, as he learned of what was this beasts size..
It sounded powerful... undefeatable.

Stoick glanced over at the boy seated in front of him, looking deeply disturbed as he was lost in thought.
He closed his eyes as something crossed his mind.
He knew the boy wouldn't like the sound of this, but it was for his own safety..

"Son....Me and some men will set off to go and defeat this Queen, kill it off. Now don't worry, we'll have our best men and women, dozens of them. You on the other hand, will stay behind and look after the village as former Chief, and make sure you and everyone else are safe from any attacks from Ansgar." The chief said in a stern tone, as he stood up and walked to the door.
Hiccup sat there for a moment, processing on what had just happened before his eyes widened and he quickly stood up, knocking his chair over.

"What?! No-Dad- no, you can't!" He called, but Stoick waved him off as he gathered some supplies in a bag.
The boy stood there dumbfounded, his mouth slightly agape, before he shook his head and hurried around the table toward his father.
Toothless cooed in warning and confusion.
The night fury didn't like the sound of where this was going...

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