Chapter 13: Hold, Toothless

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10 years ago...

Stoick strolled through the active village of Berk, as he was out doing his chief duties. He nodded at some passing villagers, though some were throwing him weird looks as they passed. The chief forward his brows in confusion, before he looked down behind him,only to let out a chuckle at the sight of his 10 year old son, Hiccup. He hadn't known that he was there!

The small lad was keeping up behind his father, eyes closed and head held up high and arms swinging dramatically, only to bump into something hard. He nearly fell over as he opened his eyes to see his father smirking down at him.
"Oh-ho son..." He chuckled.
Hiccup gave a toothy crooked grin in return.

His father gestured for him to keep following. Together, they both entered the Great Hall, taking a seat with Gobber, as the two men had important things to discuss. Hiccup however, was patient as he sat down at the table, sitting right beside his father as his uncle stood up to get some breakfast.

They waited for some time, the boy getting bored and fiddling with his fingers. The chief noticed his behavior, and glanced down at his young heir. The Viking glanced around at the Great Hall, before he showed a mischief grin, and turned to the boy, instantly reaching out his arms to tickle his son wildly.
Hiccup right away bursted out laughing, as he tried to get away from his father's attacks, and he fell over as he father pressed on with the tickling treatment. Stoick couldn't help but laugh along with him.
He finally stopped, as did his son's laughs, and they both settled down.
The boy smiled up at his father, before he wrapped his small arms around him in a warm embrace...
"Thanks, Dad."

The air was filled with the all to well familiar screech of a night fury, as Hiccup and Toothless took to the clouds. Everyone glanced up at them, some terrified, others confused.
"Alright, Bud..." Hiccup said, putting on his mask and gripping the saddles handle bars as they spiraled upwards,
"Let's do this." He muttered.
At this the night fury growled, and dived bombed down towards the head of the Red Death, who was about to unleash another stream of fire at the teens and their dragons.
The queen roared out in pain, as a plasma blast had hit her in the back of the head, it's roar making others cover their ears in fear that it might bleed.

"I think that did it. I know she has got to have wings, good job bud." The dragon rider called. Toothless growled back in acknowledgement.
The Red Death screeched, as she unfolded her massive battered looking wings, and faced the sky as she sniffed the air for the familiar Night Fury scent.
She spotted the duo flying away from her  towards the sea, and she roared in anger before heaving her wings, and flying after them in fury.

Toothless glanced back under his belly to see the large queen chasing after them, and so he focused on ahead as he headed towards the sea stacks. Wherever they went, the queen followed. The night fury swiftly dodged the rock towers, but the Red Death wasn't doing so well as she herself kept scraping her body against the sharp edges. Having enough, she roared in fury, and just crashed into each sea stack the small dragon went around.
The rock towers crumbled apart, as the cheering from the Viking died down as the dust filled the air and giant rocks fell too near for their liking.
Hiccup groaned as he looked back behind them.
They couldn't do it here. It was too risky.
All though he didn't remember having a life on Berk, it was still his home.
Memory or not.
He couldn't risk anyone getting hurt, or killed. Especially his father...
He knows that he was disowned... But it didn't matter.
They were still blood.
The boy closed his eyes as he could now faintly remember what had happened that day....
He let out a breath, as he shoved the memory aside.

If he died trying to save his past home....

So be it.

"Bud, let's take this somewhere else. Clouds! Go!" Hiccup commended as he switched gear of the tail wing. The night fury roared, as he switched direction to head up towards the dark clouds. It was perfect!
"Faster, Toothless!" His rider called, as the queen was right at their tail.

Stoick watched in deep fear as he watched his only son ride away on his night fury towards the clouds, the beast right behind them.
"Oh may Odin be with you, Son..." He muttered, as he felt a hand land on his shoulder. He turned to see Gobber, and nodded at him in appreciation.

The Red Death sprang out into an opening in the middle of dark clouds, looking around wildly for any sign of that pathetic crippled night fury...
Suddenly a hot white pain came behind her wing, and she screeched out in pain. She whirled around to see...nothing!? Her blood boiled.
She only got to let out a growl, before yet again, another blow of a blast came.
Then another.
And then another!
She roared in pain and fury, and when she had enough, she unleashed a long wild stream of fire into the air, hearing a small roar above her.

Toothless growled in pain as some fire had licked his scales, and he dived as he tried to keep hidden. But they only lasted a second before another's stream of flames headed right at them.
He roared as he dived away, but as he kept flying he smelled something burning behind him.
"Oh no.." he heard his rider mutter.
His tail wing was on fire.

"Times up, bud. Let's end this. Together." Hiccup called, before he felt the night Furies wings fold, and they began to dive along with the red death.
The queen roared as she gained up on them as their dive became intense from the speed.
Hiccup tried switching gear, but no luck as he cursed under his breath.
Toothless began to panic as they dived back down towards the Earth.
We're gonna die-we're gonna die- WE'RE GONNA DIE!
"L-look..look bud, hang in there just a little bit longer." Hiccup called, just as his mask was ripped off his face from the force of the wind hitting against them.
Easy for you to say! Toothless thought, as he flapped his wings wildly.
Suddenly, they heard as slow screech as they queen was inhaling air to let out fire. The night Furies eyes widened in terror.
"Hold, Toothless...." Hiccup closed his eyes, waiting for their moment.
He had just thought up of this idea from a lost memory of an encounter with a pack of terrible terrors.
"...Not so fire proof on the inside huh? you go little guy..."
He opened his bright green eyes, as he screamed,
Toothless, who had shared the same memory, forced himself to flip over, so that they can face the queens gaped mouth, inhaled deeply, and shot a massive plasma blast down her throat.
The queen choaked back her fire as she felt something hot go down her throat, and her eyes widened as she smelled smoke coming from inside of her.

Toothless flipped back over, as the Earth came  into view, snapped open his wings ,and flew out from under the massive beast.
The red death tried to spread out her wings to escape too, but failed as her wings were burning away. The tyrant let out a bone chilling roar, as she hit the ground- head first- which caused a massive explosion to follow.

The night fury was dodging the queens body, as fire were at their tail, and he narrowed his eyes as they almost made it, until a large club like tail came into view.
Hiccup's eyes widened in horror as he realized, "oh no..." The tail came closer, as he tried switching gear.
"No...NO-!" the force nearly knocked him out cold, as their bodies collided with the club, and they were knocked out of the air, the duo being torn apart.

Toothless glanced back to see his best friend plunge down towards the fire from the explosion. He let out a panicked roar as he trurned his body, and dived right after his brother.
Hiccup, who's armor was destroyed from hitting his body hard against the Queen's body, cracked open his eyes to see the night fury dive after him, and smiled weakly to himself as he remembered the day they he started to remember...


He gently closed his eyes, as he welcomed the darkness that was slowly consuming him...
"I-I love you Dad...."

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