Chapter 14: Recovery...

Start from the beginning




At the faint sounds of his heart beat, he let out a huge breath as a smile of relief, replaced his broken look as he pulled away, gazing down at his son in his arms.
"He's...he's alive! You've brought h-im back al-ive!" He cried out, his voice cracking as tears of joy rolled down his face.

At the sound of their lost heir being alive, the Viking crowd broke into cheers and appluds, all dragons joining into the celebration, and roaring out in happiness at the sound of their saviors survival.
Stoick planted a hand on his son's peaceful face, before looking over to the night fury, who was gazing back at him.
The chief smiled warmly, as he reached out a hand, and gently laying it on the dragon's snout, receiving a croon in return.
"Thank you. For saving my son..." He mummered, Toothless purring in appreciation.
"Well! You know.... most of him." Gobber called, as he limped over to plant a hand on the Chief's shoulder.

At this, the Viking glanced down at his son's leg, his eyes widening...


Stoick gently and carefully layed his still unconscious son down onto his  bed, in his old bedroom.

They had just arrived back at Berk with the only two remaining ships and surviving Vikings. Families reunited and began to celebrate back at the Great Hall, while the Hooligan tribe chief and  the night fury had gone to take the lost heir back home..
Better yet?
All the dragons had followed them back home- without attacking!
What a surprise that would be for the boy!

The chief gazed down with his eyes filled with worry,as he stared into his son's face. He reached out a flattened Hiccup's hair, which did nothing actually...
The man glanced down at the now wrapped up stump that was slightly below his knee, from his son's leg.
They had found that it seemed to have been bitten off while his dragon was trying to save him. He would have to bring in Gothi later on to check it out, and also Gobber to sort things out.
He sighed as he began to feel tiredness take over, letting out a yawn before walking slowly towards the door. A croon stopped him, and he turned to see the night fury's head turned back towards him, a stern look in his eyes, though it was mixed with the look of misery, tiredness and worry. Toothless made a rumbling sound deep in his throat as he turned back to stare down at his best friend.
Stoick smiled lightly, "He'll be alright, boy. Trust me."
Toothless only grumbled, sitting down beside the bed, his eye's never leaving Hiccup's face.
The chief sighed again, to tired to argue with the dragon as he walked out the door, closing it quietly.
He sauntered down to the fire place, and sat on his chair in front of it, gazing into the flames of the fire, deep in thought.

His son had come back from the dead.
He rides a night fury.
He can tame dragons.
He's lost his memory, been through hell for five years, and almost died....
Stoick closed his eyes.
His only son had almost died....
He shuddered slightly at the thought of his son not making it out. What would it have been like with him gone?
He'd be so lost...
Just like Hiccup was when he was with Ansgar.
Aside from his night fury, he was all alone.
No family no hope.
He had nothing.

How long until the boy wakes?
Months, years?
There was no telling when the boy would wake....but he had to stay strong.
Strong for Hiccup.
He's done so much for this village, who's done nothing but treat him like an outcast since he was small....well small-er.
Deep regret suddenly came upon the man, at how he and Berk had treated his son....
He had to make it up to him.
Everyone did!
A sudden thought came in mind....
What if-

The door bursted open, Gobber and Gothi bursting through, the old woman with her bag of herbs and medical supplies.
"Where is 'e?!" The blacksmith called in total panic, his eyes wide.
Stoick instantly stood on his feet and pointed upstairs, the both of them rushing up with the chief right behind.
Gobber slammed the door open, expsoing the sleeping Night Fury who jumped seven feet in the air, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets as he quickly back away from the vikings, growling as he backed away towards the wall, watching the people gathering around his rider.

Gothi checked the boy over, her eyes darting everywhere from his battered up face, his ripped up amor until she saw his stump and she gasped as she dug into her bag. Stoick paced for a moment, until he decided to join the grumpy looking Night Fury, sitting down beside him.
The healer unwrapped the bandage, instantly disposing of the wrap, and dug deeper into her bag for some herbs, a needle and thread, and a  special tea- painkillers.
She poured it into a small wooden bowl, gesturing for Gobber to lift his head which he did.
Gothi carefully poured the liquid into his agape mouth until it was empty and she put the bowl away, turning to the chief who tensed.
She narrowed her eyes and gestured for both him and Toothless to leave the room.
"WHAT?!? THATS MY SON! THIS IS MY HOUSE!" Stoick yelled, his frustration already taking over.
Gobber turned to him, lifting a brow and crossing his arms.
Stoick huffed, as he marched towards the door.
"Come on Dragon!" He hollerd.
The night fury looked back from the chief to his best friend, grumbling before he too showed himself out the door.

Stoick faced the door where Gobber was holding it open, raising a finger and opening his mouth only for the door to be slammed shut right in his face. The man stared at the door for a second, before making harsh and violent gestures with his hands, grumbling before he calmed down and walked downstairs to sit at the fire place with Toothless....


After what seemed like hours the door finally opened, Gobber and Gothi coming down the stairs with satisfied looks on their faces as they nodded towards the chief as they made their was to the front door.
"Well?" Stoick asked in a hopeful tone.
"Oh, he'll be alright! He's strong! And good thing I had that spare leg!"
The chief stared at his friend for a second.
"How do you know?"
In no offense, he hardly believed that his son could survive this kind of thing...
The blacksmith let out a sigh as he went over to sit beside the Viking, as Gothi left the house.
"Because I know him, Stoick. Maybe more than you do."
Stoick forward his brows in confusion.
Sure the lad used to have worked for him as an apprentance, but that didn't mean that he knew him like that...right?
Gobber shook his head.
"Stoick, Hiccup and I used to be so close that he sometimes called me dad!" He chuckled.
"Yeah! You know...he used to always come straight to me when he was hurt, or something was bothering him. For example let's say about ten years ago, he bursted through my workshops door, covered in blood and bruises.
He had a broken wrist, and before I could ask him what had happened, he threw his arms around me and he cried. He cried and cried. And The only thing he said, was Thank you. I was surprised! I had no idea what was goin on! So I asked him, For what? And he said, For being there. And soon after that... after we had a small talk, he went into his office, and locked himself in there. Some time later, he came out. His wrist wrapped, his wonds cleaned the best he could clean it...then he began to work on sharpening axes, smiling at me once in a while as though nothing had happened!" The blacksmith explained, a pitiful look on his face.
Stoick stared for a moment, until he placed his face into his hands on sorrow and regret.
He felt a hand land on his shoulder, rubbing it in confort which he was great ful for.
He sadly looked up into the eyes of his friend, who was smiling weakly.
"So as you can see from my small experience with the lad, and many other experiences.... he'll be fine. He's stronger than he looks." Gobber reassured, slowly standing to his feet, and making his way to the door.
"Get some rest, Stoick! You need it!" The Viking called, before leaving the house.
The Chief stared at the door, and sighed deeply before turning to the concerned looking Night Fury.
Stoick chuckled lightly, before smiling up at him lightly, "You can go up now, boy. You take care of my son, dragon. You hear me?"
Toothless instantly flashed him a gummy smile before barging up the stairs, tonuge hanging out from his mouth.
Stoick laughed at this before sitting back in his chair, and letting out a long sigh as he closed his eyes.
"Odin please be with Hiccup..." He mummered.

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