"What is that?" Luna asked, being cautious of what she will be consuming.

"This is water."

Sera picked up the empty glass that Luna had set down on the table and brought it up to her nose. "Vodka," she said. "You downed that cup of vodka," Sera sounded impressed.

Luna took the cup of water from Noah and gulped it down. After she finished, Noah took it from her hands and set it on the table. "Are you okay?" Noah asked.

Luna didn't want them to worry about her and ruin the night. "I'm fine." She forced on a smile.

"Luna's going to be fine," Sera said grabbing onto Noah's arm again. "Let's go dancing again!" She dragged an unwilling Noah away to the dance floor once more.

Luna was left there standing with Grayson, who has a concerned look on his face. "Are you alright?" Grayson asked. Luna turned to look at him. She just stared into his dark eyes for a while.

"Hiccup," Luna hiccupped. She slapped her right hand over her mouth as her eyes widened. "Hiccup." Grayson chuckled and turned to the table to pick up a glass of water. He handed it to Luna.

"Here. See if this helps." Luna took the glass and smelled it to make sure it was indeed water. After checking the clear substance, she drank it in hopes of curing her hiccups. She handed the empty glass back to Grayson and he set it down.

Luna started to slowly blink her eyes as she stared at Grayson. "Why me?" She asked.

"Huh?" Grayson didn't understand what Luna was trying to say.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Luna stumbles to her right as she pointed out a finger towards Grayson. He catches her in his arms before she got closer to the ground.

"You're drunk," Grayson said chuckling his deep chuckle once again.

"I don't get drunk," Luna reassured. "I can't get drunk if I don't drink alcohol."

"Okay," Grayson realized there was no point in arguing. "What did you mean by 'why me'?"

Luna continued to gaze upon Grayson. She licked her dry lips and slowly blinked several times. "Why...did you dance with me tonight when... there are so many other pretty women here?" Luna was speaking very sluggishly. She blinked a couple more times.

When she opened her eyes, she was laying in her bed and the sun was out and very bright.

"What happened?" She asked with a hoarse voice. She rubbed her head and then temples. "Owww," she said. The sun was too bright. 

She looked to her bedside table and saw a glass of water. Sitting up, she reached for it. Luna was so thirsty; she drank the entire cup in one breath. "Ah," she sighed refreshingly. She held onto the cup and yawned with her eyes closed.



"Why...did you dance with me tonight when... there are so many other pretty women here?" Luna was remembering the happenings of last night after she drank the water provided to her by Grayson.

She remembered being in Grayson's strong arms.

"Why did I dance with you tonight?" Grayson asked to confirm the question.

"I know you're not interested in me. How could you be? I'm big and not even that pretty," Luna's voice broke and she looked down onto Grayson's tie.

"You're beautiful," Grayson said. Luna thought she misheard what Grayson said. She looked back up to Grayson's handsome face.

"Hiccup. Huh?"

"I danced with the most beautiful girl in the room." Grayson's dark eyes gazed softly into Luna's.

Grayson lowered his face down closer to Luna's until the tips of their noses touched. Luna blinked rapidly, her heart started to race.

"Miss Luna Rose. You are the most beautiful girl in this room tonight," he whispered. Luna could feel his warm breath bouncing off her. Grayson inched his face even closer to Luna's until she could feel the slightest touch of his lips on hers.



***Thank so much for continuing to read and support "He Loves Me". Please let me know how you guys feel about the pace of the story. 

I am feeling that Luna needs to start building some self confidence! She'll have to start working on it.

Well, I hope you look forward to reading the next chapter and hope to see you soon!***

He Loves Me (Curves and All) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now