(Ch.5) Quirk Apprehension Test

Start from the beginning

The hobo started to come out of the bag and ranted to all of us about wasting time and what not. Then this man introduced himself as Shota Aizawa, our homeroom teacher.


Wait, you just called, your teacher, a hobo?

Well in your defense, he was poorly dressed and a mess. Were the standards of becoming a hero lower here than in America?

You didn't have time to dwell on it as Aizawa quickly went to work. Demanding for all of us to get dressed into some uniforms, we all followed orders with no resistance. Until he got outside, that is.

Aizawa explained that all of us will be taking a quirk apprehension test. And in that moment, you knew you were screwed. You could barely control your quirk, and now he's asking you to use it in test? All these students had their whole lives to train, you, you...

You will have to deal with it.

You only had a couple of ways to use your quirk, but you'll make due.

All you really knew for a fact, was you can't be last. Or you're mother will find out, and boy, will she be unhappy.

"What about orientation?!" Said the bubbly girl from the doorway earlier. Aizawa quickly shut her down. "If you really want to make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Weird.

Aizawa's an odd hero, that's for sure. Aizawa continued to rant about the education system and heroes. You kinda tuned him out, and instead, you gave Shoto a curious glance. Shotk seemed indifferent either way. That's Shoto for you...

Once Aizawa was done ranting, he asked a boy named Katsuki Bakugo, to throw a baseball for a distance throw. Apparently, Katsuki had scored the highest in the practical exam. Having got into the circle, Katsuki wasted no time in throwing the ball with an explosion behind it. The only part which worried you was how he screamed,


What hero wants something, or really someone, to die?

Aizawa raised the screen to show the distance Katsuki had thrown to the whole class.

"705.2 meters."

Holy shit! Everyone, not just you, was in shock. This kid-!

Getting pumped, everyone's excitement came back as they were ready to use their quirks. You simply held your hands behind your back, looking at the dirt floor. Will you be able to do this?

The excitement was shot down again, by none other than the class's personal buzzkill, Aizawa. He explained who ever came dead last.

Would be expelled?!

Gulping audibly, you tried to calm yourself down. First, things first, you need to use your quirk more and get comfortable with it.

Slowing your breathing, you let your mind untangle itself. Next step, you became conscious of the blood pumping through your veins. The speed of it, the density, the contents: you were aware of it all. Whoa, that's cool.

You did this with the rest of your body until you were in complete control of some major parts of your body. Not everything, but most of it.

You can't come last.

No matter what happens.

You were going to try your hardest because you didn't want to know the consequences of going back home; expelled. The mere thought, made shivers run down your shiver. It's now or never.

First test, 50 meter dash.

Simple enough. You completed it by increasing your blood pressure to provide your muscles with more oxygen. Along with strengthing your muscles, and using the movements of an old Olympic sprinter. Usain Bolt was it?

Second test, grip strength.

This one was a tad harder than the one before it. You had strengthed your muscles again, and tried, but failed, to make more muscles in your hands. Worth a shot, you guess.

Third test, standing long jump.

Eh, probably went as well as you think. You enhanced your leg muscles, but it wasn't enough to have any significant or extravagant score. You still couldn't and wouldn't use the quirk the way your mother does. Even with expulsion on the line. You weren't going to stoop that low.

Fourth test, repeated side jumps.

For some odd reason, you did extraordinarily well on this one. It was kind of fun to do, and the muscle enhancement had refined the skill more.

Fifth test, Ball throw.

You don't know about this one. Your muscles were starting to hurt from overexertion. Your body was getting worn down and fast. Pushing aside the pain, you remember seeing on TV a baseball hero throwing a ball in a unique way. Why don't you try it?

Recalling the movements and copying them to near perfection, adding this along with your muscles enhanced to the best of your ability. The ball went far, but there was a brutal recoil from the harsh throw.

A couple of students gasped as a loud crack could be heard erupting from your shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Aizawa didn't say a word. You walked out of the circle with a poker face as the numbers of 937 meters displayed brightly on Aizawa's device. Everyone went batshit crazy. A lot of the girls came over to you, gushing about how cool your quirk was. A couple of them even asked if you were okay which was touching. After explaining your quirk, with a lot of stuttering, they all calmed down. You started to produce some chemicals to numb the pain, and luckily for you, it worked.

"That's Supremacy's quirk isn't it?"

The sudden inquire made you jump. It was Aizawa. Turning towards your teacher, you nodded a little, nervous. Did he figure you out, or did he see your character profile?

"Why aren't you using it properly?"

The air became still as you didn't know how to answer. You hadn't expected anyone to know about your mother...

"Whatever, next person."

Aizawa didn't let you answer as he shrugged it off. Once his attention was drawn away, you gave a huge sigh of relief. Thank goodness nobody was asking too many questions.

The rest of the tests went smoothly. You were a fish in water with all this physical work. But you weren't expecting these results on the board when Aizawa put them up.


You had came in first.

Heyya, today I updated a lot later than normal. I promise to be on time more often after this.

Another note: you will be taking the place of Momo in a lot of the story line. But some parts of the story are going to be changed to adjust to your character. It's not just going to be me, stuffing you in Momo's spot though. Promise!

Thanks for reading!

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