Chapter 26: Love (Finale)

Start from the beginning

"He..." That was all that Max managed to say before he passed out on top of Tul.


Tul and Max finally woke up from their slumber, as they would call it, since admitting that they fainted sounded too unmanly. They stayed with Singto for a bit and headed home when Godt left.

"P'Godt," Bas greeted when he showed up in front of him.

"You're back." Godt smiled. "So? Is there a way to turn Krist back?"

A faint smile lifted Bas's cheeks. "Yes, but..."


"I need to regain my energy first in order to use my powers. They are very weak right now."

"Am I the reason they are weak?" Godt brought up.

"You could say that."

"Do you love me, Nong Bas?"

"Yes." Bas nodded.

"Could you stop loving me?"

Without hesitation, Bas shook his head. "Once a fairy loves, they love until they perish."


A month passed. Singto had set up a cushion beside his mattress for Krist. The cage was no longer needed, so he donated it to an animal shelter. Krist was a free roam bunny in the apartment to do as he wished. Tul and Max visited Singto on a daily basis, since their working hours were flexible. They were developers for online games and their current one pretty much sold itself.

"Why are you guys always here?" Singto grumbled. "Don't you have online games to create?"

"We're here to visit Krist," Tul responded as he petted the adorable bunny's head. "Plus, we have our laptops with us. We could work while we're here."

"Even so, you don't have to come over every single day."

"Well, someone has to watch Krist when you're at work," Max defended.

"Despite turning back into a bunny, Krist still has his human personality. He knows when to eat, sleep, use the potty, and he doesn't do anything he's not supposed to. All I have to do is put out the food, fill the water, clean his litter and the rest he does on his own."

"No matter what, he's still a bunny. He could only do so much." Tul pointed out.

"As long as I have him in my life, I'm happy. It doesn't matter anymore whether he's a human or a bunny."

"Do you really mean that?"

Singto thought for a moment and then plastered on a smile. "If this is the way it has to be, I'll have to accept it. Sulking over it won't make things better."

"You're right." Tul gave Singto a pat on the shoulder. Seeing him like this saddened Tul, but he couldn't show it. He had to stay strong, because his cousin was already broken enough.


Godt was busy slicing the green papaya shreds and cutting the cherry tomatoes into halves to make a salad. A pair of arms snaked around his waist from behind.

"What are you making?" Bas took a look over Godt's right shoulder.

"Dinner." Godt reached over for the dried shrimps to sprinkle into a large bowl along with some fish sauce, sugar, chili and peanuts. He then threw in the papaya and tomatoes and mixed it. "The guys are coming over tonight. How are you feeling?"

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