Chapter 6

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 Alice's P.O.V


I groaned, my head pounding as I slowly opened my eyes. I screwed up my eyebrows in confusion as I slowly processed the room around me.

I'm sure I fainted in the mess hall. Somebody's moved me into a cabin.


I removed the covers of the bed, carefull not to mess it up too badly. I grabbed my beanie from the night stand next to me and pulled on my boots. Looking in the mirror as I stood up, I tucked several strands of flyaway hair before deeming myself presentable. I gazed out of the window, surprised to find that it was dark out, breathing shakily, I walked towards the cabin door and pushed it open. I shiver a little in the night air before listening for signs of activity around the camp. I see the distant glow of a campfire and head in that direction.


Upon reaching the campfire, I hid behind a nearby tree. Shying away from the crowd that sat around the warm fire. I heard laughter at comments I couldn't make out, I kept my distance. Not feeling quite ready to meet the other yognau(gh)ts just yet. Then there was THEM, to think about. The Yogscast, I hadn't expected them, that's why I fainted. With shock and embaressment at what I was wearing. Why had I even chosen my current outfit? Because I would never leave my precious beanie behind, that's why.


I flushed red at a sudden thought. What if one of them had carried me to the cabin? Was it their cabin? I flushed a deeper red, suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I supressed a yell and whipped around. I had to look down to see the face of Kim, my fourth favourite Yogscast member. I sighed and relaxed, my body trembling from the shock. She smiled at me.


"I'm glad you're awake! We was all worried about you." I looked at her, shocked. The Yogscast were worried about me? A stranger? I smile shyly and blushed harder as she started to drag me towards the fire. Nobody paid us any attention until we as standing right behind somebody. Kim coughed and everyone looked, thank God my red face could have been mistaken for a heat flush from the fire. The person that we was stood behind shuffled along, making room for me and Kim to sit down. Kim sat down with an air of finallity and patted the spot next to her. I tentativly took the seat. I started scanning the people around the fire.


It seemed that they were sorted my cabin, I guessed as the kids seemed to be sitting with thier leaders. Xephos, Honeydew, Hannah, NanoSounds and Sjin cabin seemed to be the bulk of the campers. Also Martyn's cabin had a fair few members just idliy chattering. One bench was empty, I strained to read the inscription through the flames. Lalna Cabin, it read. I was confused, where were all the Lalna fans? I turned slightly paler. What if?.... I shook my head, no it wasn't possible.


Kim squeezed my hand and smiled, I smiled back. She was nice to me, not in my face and desprate to seem caring. She was genuinly nice, I liked the way she didn't say anything to fill in the conversation between us, she respected that I was nervous. I adjusted my beanie, my fingers itching for something to do. Sombody passed round a bag of marshmellows and several sticks. I accepted one gingerly and skewered my marshmellow, toasting it on the fire like a scout. I pulled it out of the flames in triumph, it wasn't on fire or falling off. I took off the skin was was about to eat it when somebody beat me to it. I stared in shock as my favourite Yogscast member ate MY marshmellow that I had worked to get perfect. I stared in silence as Duncan Jones ate my beautiful marshmellow.....



I've decided to update, randomly adding in that Duncan ate the perfect campfire marshmellow! NOOOOOOOO! Next chapter hopefully getting published today or tomorrow!







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